Why Paul Rowley is fully behind his Salford Red Devils stars shining on international stage

Salford Red Devils coach Paul Rowley says he will do everything he can to help grow international Rugby League and would never hold a player back from playing for his country.

With the Super League season on hold for a week due to a mini-international break, the Red Devils could have several players on duty.

Morgan Escaré has been named in the French squad to take on Wales, while he will likely go up against club team-mate Rhys Williams.

Ken Sio and Tim Lafai, whose contract the club has taken up an option to cover next season, were named in the original Combined Nations All Stars squad, while Rowley revealed that Ryan Brierley has been called up as a stand-by to Ellery Hanley’s squad.

“We have Morgan in there for France and Williams for Wales, Tim Lafai and Kenny in the Nations and Ryan Brierley got a call as well, so he might be featuring in the Nations game as well,” said Rowley.

“Depending on injuries and stuff, I think he is on standby. I am really pleased for him. It’s great recognition for Ryan.

“We wish all our players well. We fully support the international weekend. It will get no resistance form us as a club. I think it is an important weekend. It should be the highlight of any players’ career and we are right behind it.”

Having seen his Salford side lose three times to the Warriors this season – twice in Super League and once in the Challenge Cup – Rowley believes that Wigan are currently the best team in Super League.

“We went toe-to-toe with the best team in the league,” said Rowley.

“It’s probably a reflection of where we are at and where they are at. We would like to get to where they are at and that’s why we keep working hard.

“I thought we weren’t clinical with the ball in hand. It’s not usual to talk about our side not being clinical, we are normally pretty good. But we were off. We tried to thread a needle instead of being a bit more direct.”

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