Salford Red Devils boss Paul Rowley addresses reported Brodie Croft transfer fee and Super League future in 2023

SALFORD RED DEVILS head coach Paul Rowley has responded to claims that star halfback Brodie Croft was the recipient of interest from the St George Illawarra Dragons.

Overnight, the Sydney Morning Herald claimed that the Dragons had pulled out of the race to sign the reigning Man of Steel due to a transfer fee of around £150,000 being placed on the halfback’s head.

Rowley himself has now had his say, confident that Croft will be playing for the Red Devils in 2023 and joking about the reported transfer fee figure.

“Is that all? (£150,000 transfer fee). That’s good news. He will be playing on Sunday (against Wigan Warriors for Sam Powell’s testimonial),” Rowley said.

“As far as I’m concerned our club isn’t in a rush to release any players let alone the reigning Man of Steel.

“I know Brodie will be turning out for Salford and I’m quite confident he will be turning out as many times as he can during the 2023 season.”

Rowley also commended Croft on his focus and insisted that the Salford ‘bubble’ is strong from outside influence.

“We’re in a bit of a bubble here, trust me when he turns up for work there’s nobody talking about anything other than the job in hand,” Rowley continued.

“There is a lot of banter that gets thrown around the dressing room and that brings him back down to earth and focuses him.

“He’s never lost focus, so all that it’s water off a ducks back. We’re coaching the team and he’s playing in the team.

“It’s all for you guys to read about and talk about. It doesn’t really get spoke about in our environment