Sydney Roosters and England star Victor Radley fate revealed following alleged bust-up with Leeds Rhinos’ James Bentley

SYDNEY ROOSTERS and England star Victor Radley is set to learn his fate following the alleged bust-up with Leeds Rhinos star James Bentley.

The alleged incident occurred the weekend that England were knocked out of the Rugby League World Cup by Samoa in the semi-finals, with Radley and a number of other England players as well as head coach Shaun Wane in their hotel.

The Sydney Morning Herald previously claimed that the incident happened after Bentley abused Wane for not selecting him for England, though it is still unknown as to why Bentley was in attendance.

It is alleged that Bentley left the place where the England players and staff were drinking before returning. That is when Radley is alleged of headbutting Bentley.

However, now the Daily Telegraph has reported that Radley is set to escape any sanction by the NRL after the International Rugby League washed their hands of the affair immediately following the incident.

The NRL Integrity Unit investigated the incident but the body has had no assistance from tournament organisers or witnesses.

A statement by the Rugby League World Cup said: “The Rugby League World Cup is aware of reported incidents and is in conversation with respective parties to establish the circumstances. There will be no further comment at this time.”

The Rugby Football League added: “The RFL has been made aware of allegations and are currently investigating the matter.”

It remains to be seen what action will be taken against Bentley if any at all.