Toulouse Olympique are embarking on their first ever season in Super League in 2022 under the charge of Sylvain Houles.
They do so with largely the same squad that earned them their place in the top flight, with only four new signings – James Cunningham and Chris Hankinson on two-year deals, and Matty Russell and Gadwin Springer with undisclosed-length contracts.
The bulk of the Toulouse squad are only committed for the 2022 season as things stand, including some of the biggest names involved their promotion push.
Here’s when every senior player’s contract is set to expire…
Guy Armitage, Ilias Bergal, Joe Bretherton, Andrew Dixon, Johnathon Ford, Mitch Garbutt, Harrison Hansen, Mark Kheirallah, Paul Marcon, Anthony Marion, Joseph Paulo, Eloi Pelissier, Dominique Peyroux, Hugo Pezet, Justin Sangare, Junior Vaivai, Lloyd White.
Lucas Albert, James Cunningham, Tony Gigot, Chris Hankinson, Romain Navarrete, Maxime Puech, Latrell Schaumkel.
Mathieu Jussaume.
Matty Russell, Gadwin Springer.