Wakefield part company with Webster

Wakefield Trinity have announced the departure of Head Coach James Webster with immediate effect.

Chairman Michael Carter said: “It is with a heavy heart that I have today agreed the release of James Webster from his position of Head Coach. James rescued us last season from the threat of relegation and for that I am truly thankful. I wish James and his family every success and happiness in the future, and thank him for all his hard work in his 4 years here.’

“We will now be conducting the search for a new Head Coach. In the interim, Stuart Dickens will take charge of first team affairs, until we can make an appointment.”

James Webster added: “I felt now was the right time to allow someone else the opportunity to take the team forward. In taking this decision my hope is it will allow the club to fulfil its goal and remain in Super League. I would like to thank both Michael and Chris for the opportunity and wish everyone at the wildcats the best for the future.”