Widnes hooker signs new deal

Widnes hooker Logan Tomkins has signed a new two-year deal with the club.

Tomkins, who joined the Vikings from last year’s Grand Finalists Salford ahead of the 2020 season, played in six of the club’s seven pre-lockdown games.

“I couldn’t see myself playing anywhere else at this minute in time,” he said.

“I’ve really started enjoying myself playing rugby at Widnes again.

“It’s the first time in a long time I have properly enjoyed myself playing rugby and I didn’t want that to come to an end. I was really glad when Tim rang me up and said they were interested again, and there was no negotiating involved. The club made me an offer and I took it, and I am proud to still be playing for Widnes.

“I enjoyed working under Tim during my time at Salford so that is a big aspect as to why I am enjoying my rugby so much here. Also, it’s what the club is trying to do. They’re a well-run club it’s just that in the last couple of years they have been unfortunate. I like to be a part of the bigger picture where we’re aiming towards something and there is a goal to be achieved.”