Captain’s Challenge set to be debated at RL Board meeting for introduction to Super League

THE Captain’s Challenge is set to be debated at a Rugby League Board meeting later this month for a potential introduction to Super League for 2024 and beyond.

The concept has been widely heralded in the NRL for its ability to give players the chance to challenge a refereeing decision that would otherwise have gone unnoticed.

In recent years, there has been clamouring for the concept for it to be introduced in Super League – and now it is set to be debated about its potential introduction for next season according to the RFL’s Director of Legal and Operations, Robert Hicks.

“That decision has not been made yet, it is a decision for the board to make,” Hicks said on Forty20 Live.

“It was discussed at the laws committee and some of those practical issue were put forward. Do you have access to your own replays? What replays do you get? Do you get eight cameras and six at others?

“If it is based on the old micron footage of two cameras wide and narrow and making a challenge, you would go back every time saying challenge unsuccessful but you keep your challenge.

“Then all you end up doing is elongating games. Until we know what it looks like, those are the challenges and I think the board will make a decision on that.”

Though it is a popular concept amongst the rugby league fraternity, Hicks wouldn’t want to see the concept introduced for 2024.

“I personally wouldn’t throw the Captain’s Challenge in this year for those reasons but the board might decide otherwise.”

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