Catalans Dragons star Tom Johnstone turns down marquee contract to return home

CATALANS DRAGONS star Tom Johnstone has turned down a marquee contract with the French club to return home.

It was announced this afternoon that Johnstone will be leaving the Dragons at the end of the 2024 Super League season, with a move back to Wakefield Trinity on the cards.

The England international turned down a contract extension with marquee player status in the Dragons squad, with a significant pay increase.

Johnstone joined the Perpignan club in 2023 and scored 32 tries in 39 appearances so far. Named in the Super League Dream Team during his first season at the club, he was also called back in the England squad the same year.

Johnstone said: “Firstly, I’d like to thank Steve for taking a chance on signing me and giving me this opportunity after a tough few years of injuries and for having the faith in me. Also thank you to Matt Parr for working so closely with me keeping me fit and healthy these past few seasons.

“Without them both, I don’t believe I would have played the amount of games I have and achieved personally what I did.

“I would also like to thank Bernard Guasch, the staff at Brutus and the fans for welcoming me into this amazing club, the atmosphere in the Brutus is incredible and I will remember the 2023 semi final forever.

“Me and my family have loved our time in this beautiful place, adapting to the proud Catalan and French culture.

“But we feel it is the right time for us to return home to be closer to our family and friends.

“I’m immensely proud of last year although we didn’t quite achieve what we set out for in winning the Grand Final, but I promise I will be doing everything I can to finish my time at this club on a high and winning the competition as the club and fans deserve.”

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