Former Bradford Bulls man banned from all sport for three years for presence of a banned substance

RUGBY league player Jonathan Magrin has been banned from all sport for a period of three years following a first Anti-Doping Rule Violation (ADRV) for the presence of a banned substance in his urine Sample.

On 27 May 2022, UK Anti-Doping (UKAD) collected an Out-of-Competition urine Sample from Mr Magrin at a Dewsbury Rams squad training session. Analysis of Mr Magrin’s urine Sample returned Adverse Analytical Findings (AAFs) for the exogenous origin of testosterone and its Metabolites androsterone; etiocholanolone; 5?-androstane-3? and 17?-diol; and 5?-androstane-3? and 17?-diol.

Testosterone is listed under section 1(1) of the 2022 WADA Prohibited List as an Anabolic Androgenic Steroid, and is prohibited at all times.

UKAD provisionally suspended Mr Magrin on 5 August 2022 and notified him that he may have committed ADRVs under Anti-Doping Rule (ADR) Article 2.1 (Presence of a Prohibited Substance or its Metabolites or Markers in an Athlete’s Sample) and/or Article 2.2. (Use or Attempted Use by an Athlete of a Prohibited Substance or a Prohibited Method).

Mr Magrin responded on 15 August 2022 admitting to administering an intramuscular injection containing testosterone to treat a recurring knee injury. Mr Magrin did not have a Therapeutic Use Exemption for testosterone.

UKAD charged Mr Magrin on 24 August 2022 and in a response dated 5 September 2022, the player admitted to the ADRVs and asserted period of Ineligibility. Mr Magrin was able to reduce the sanction from four-years to three, after accepting both ADRVs and the asserted period of ineligibility within 20 days – in accordance with ADR Article 10.8.1.

Mr Magrin’s three-year period of Ineligibility is deemed to have commenced on 5 August 2022 and will expire at midnight on 4 August 2025.

Speaking on the case, UKAD Director of Operations, Pat Myhill said: “Athletes are strictly liable for what they put in their bodies. This case serves as a reminder to always check your medications.

Athletes must first check Global DRO to view the anti-doping status of their medication. If a substance or method is prohibited in sport, athletes should use UKAD’s online TUE Wizard to find out when and how to apply for a Therapeutic Use Exemption.”