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Everything posted by sam

  1. plus we don't get taught how to drive in it. i learnt so much from a norwegian mate at the start of the year. i'm really looking forward to getting on the roads in jan when it'll be 4/5 feet deep. of course i'll die!
  2. it's been trying to snow the past week or so here, a few flurries but nothing significant apart from up in the hills...apparently january is when it gets really cold -15/20 degrees...
  3. yes, he's contributed massively to music for 5 years by not doing anything, it's a shame he's going to spoil all his good work....FDFTT
  4. root canal for me tomorrow, and i've got a stiff neck.... things like this never used to happen to me...
  5. i have something call streptococcus and haven't eaten for 2 days...
  6. to be honest that's not the case, 2 senior managers look like going straight away... the compensation deal is pretty good and if i'm one of the chosen few, i've worked out i'll be ok for at least 12 months, i luckily took out mortgage payment protection 5/6 months ago....
  7. we've been given 30 day consultation period at our place....
  8. or, roughly translated, 'i'm a poor teacher and we have to work really, really hard...'
  9. i just want today to go quickly as i am ill and not out tonight and just want to crawl into bed and die...
  10. yeah, but TT can sit on chairs in a line and alternate who sings each line. while swaying. slowly.
  11. really..? i would have thought startling mediocrity would have been easy to attain...
  12. thank god its friday, its been a long frustrating last few days....
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