HALIFAX PANTHERS are facing an uncertain future over their stadium, with the local Calderdale Council considering ‘disposing of The Shay.
The Halifax Courier has revealed that the Council is prepared to reduce services in order to slash outgoing costs in a bid to balance the books.
Based on the Council’s current financial predictions, the Calderdale authority is now facing budget deficits of £7.5 million in 2024/2025, £6.2 million in 2025/2026 and £4.8 million in 2026/2027.
Proposals to save money include a reduction in festive lighting as well as more pressing issues such as a reduction in youth services across the borough.
But, The Shay, which is owned by Calderdale Council and leased by the Shay Stadium Trust – a not-for-profit company set up to preserve the ground as a sports stadium – is in the firing line.
If the proposal goes through, that could potentially impact the Panthers and their future home.
Coun Jane Scullion, Leader of Calderdale Council said: “These are extremely challenging times and unfortunately, we are now faced with some very difficult choices. Calderdale has a proud record of robust financial management, and we will not put that reputation at risk.
“Our priority is to set a sustainable budget, for this and subsequent years. We must be able to continue to balance the books.
“Over recent years we have tried to do ‘more with less’ but this is not sustainable and inevitably we must now look at reducing services which we are not legally required to provide.
“Like all councils Calderdale must by law provide certain services such as social care and refuse collections, whereas many other services whilst important, are optional. To protect our most critical services we have no choice but to make some tough decisions.”
The proposals will now go to consultation, with the Council setting the budget in late February.
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