Wigan coach Adrian Lam unsure on six again rule

Wigan coach Adrian Lam does not expect the six-again rule to change Super League as much as it has changed the NRL.

The Warriors coach has been in regular dialogue with his NRL peers to discuss the impact of the rule and how to best manage it.

But Lam doesn’t believe the tempo of the game will change as drastically as it did down under, while questioning whether it was a required move.

“I’m not too sure about the six-again rule,” he said.

“It has certainly changed the game in the NRL, which is what it probably needed, but I’ve always felt as a coach in my opinion that the Super League ruck was always quicker anyway and that’s what the difference was between Super League and the NRL. So I feel that the NRL is now a lot more like Super League.

“How will it change the game here? I can’t see it changing as much as the NRL has.

“I’m just not sure whether the referees needed another area in the ruck in the game to keep on their mind on as well. We just want a good ten metres and with this coming into play then it might be too much.”