League One player suffering from neurological condition that has left him temporarily paralysed twice


CORNWALL winger Errol Carter has targeted a return to action despite facing an indefinite spell on the sidelines with a rare neurological condition that left him temporarily paralysed twice.

The 28-year-old was making his rugby union debut for Turkey last month when he suddenly lost all sensation, strength and feeling in his lower body and collapsed on the pitch.

The feeling did return sporadically and he was able to finish the game, but on his return to the UK, his condition deteriorated and he was diagnosed with Cauda Equina Syndrome (CES) – a condition that affects only six people per million. CES is a severe type of spinal stenosis where all of the nerves in the lower back suddenly become severely compressed.

The former Coventry and London Skolars player underwent emergency surgery on his spine and was released from hospital twelve days later, only for the symptoms to return within hours of returning home.

He then faced a second operation and has been left with permanent nerve and neurological damage that will affect his quality of life going forward and leave him dependent on a catheter.

But he has vowed to get back to normal and has set up a Go Fund Me page in the hope of getting his rehabilitation started as soon as possible to give himself the best chance of a positive recovery.

“Nerve damage has no timelines on how long they take to heal, if ever,” Carter wrote on his page.

“On average it is six to 24 months and after 24 months there is little to no improvement.

“The waiting time for aftercare rehab from the NHS is 15 months, which is just too long given the short 24-month window I have.

“That is why this page has been created, so I can go private and get the rehabilitation I need to give me the best chance of recovery and leading a normal life like I had before.

“This is just to get to a baseline normal, let alone to play sport again. But I want to get back to normal and then continue my rugby career. I am far from finished.

As of Sunday morning, over £20,000 of Carter’s £25,000 target had been raised and anyone wishing to donate to the cause can visit https://www.gofundme.com/f/errol-carters-paralysis-recovery-from-cauda-equina-syndrome

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