Kruise Leeming ready to lead Leeds Rhinos to success

Kruise Leeming believes Leeds Rhinos are capable of silverware and is ready to set the standards to help them achieve it following his appointment as club captain.

The hooker was last week given the honour for the new season, replacing Matt Prior who will remain part of a leadership group that also includes Ash Handley.

Eswatini-born Leeming, who joined Leeds from Huddersfield Giants ahead of the 2020 season and earned his first England cap last autumn, was delighted to have been entrusted with the role.

“I think sometimes in Rugby League you’re lost and you forget what big opportunities you get through Rugby League; it’s a massive opportunity,” he said.

“My mum’s really proud, the lads are really proud of me and I’m really proud of myself.

“It’s given me a massive smile. I’m really happy.”

Leeming was part of the side that won the Challenge Cup in 2020, but the club he now leads has not achieved a top-four finish since their last title win in 2017.

However, Leeming is confident that the Rhinos are capable of providing him with a trophy to lift this season.

“We’ve got the team to do it,” he said.

“We’re young, we’re hungry, we want to do really good things.

“If we train really hard and put a lot of emphasis on standards and behaviours, we will manage to do something really special.”

Leeming added that the captaincy role would not change him as a player after two impressive seasons with the Rhinos to date.

“There’s obviously something I’m doing that has got me into this position,” he said.

“I’m just going to continue to be me, continue to train really hard and care. I care a lot about the lads and the club and I think that’s shone through.”

On Leeming’s appointment, Leeds coach Richard Agar said: “We are blessed as a team with a number of experienced leaders across our squad.

“Kruise is certainly one of those and I know it means a lot to him to be awarded the captaincy.

“He is a consummate professional who always looks to get the best out of himself and the team.

“I know he will do a tremendous job as captain and I look forward to seeing him lead the team out this season.”

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