Radford remains coy on Fonua link

Hull FC coach Lee Radford has told TotalRL.com that rumoured signing Mahe Fonua would be a “fantastic acquisition” for any club that signed him – but remained tight-lipped on whether he was heading for FC in 2016.

Rumours have heavily linked the Melbourne Storm back with a move to Super League next season, with Hull the club looking likely to land his signature.

But Radford refused to comment on the speculation when asked by TotalRL.com, but did admit he’s a player who impresses him.

“It’s been touted about,” he said. “He’s a real quality player and he’s from a quality background.

“If he was to come to Super League he’d be a fantastic acquisition and addition for whatever club managed to pick him up.”

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Radford also said that Hull are looking at just two more additions for 2016, saying: “I think two more is what we’ve need. We’ve got an outside back coming in that has been done for a while now and was completed a while back.

“He’s going to be an outstanding signing for us, and with the injuries over the last couple of months it’s forced a change in how we’re recruiting for next season, so we’ll probably get one more through the door after this one.”