Sacked Championship player lays into former club Whitehaven over dismissal

SACKED Championship player, Dalton Desmond-Walker, has laid into former club Whitehaven over his dismissal.

30-year-old Desmond-Walker, who has also had spells at the likes of Bradford Bulls, Keighley Cougars and West Wales Raiders, had his contract terminated by the Cumbrian club last month.

In a brief statement, Whitehaven said at the time: “The board of directors would like to inform fans that following a serious breach of operating rules, bringing both the club and the RFL into disrepute, Dalton Desmond-Walker’s contract has been terminated with immediate effect.

That, inevitably, led to questions about what had potentially gone on behind the scenes, but the prop forward has taken to social media to put his own side of the story out.

Desmond-Walker posted on Instagram: “I am writing this to put some information into circulation. I am writing this so people understand. Words have power.

“Recently, I achieved a dream of mine, which was to play Championship Rugby League in the United Kingdom. I was so very proud of myself as well as friends and family, who were also proud of me. However, my time at Whitehaven was a very detrimental experience.

“I was promised adequate accommodation in my two-year tenure. Written, signed in black and white. Crucially, this wasn’t provided, I bounced around from local BnBs, pubs, hotels, and even a ladies’ house, whom I was dating at the time

“I gritted my teeth, continued to train and played my role within the Whitehaven squad. Each week, I was asking at times, begging to be housed in the accommodation that I was promised.

“Multiple messages and conversations with different staff all say it will be soon, The room I was meant to be living in, it was atrocious with leaks on the roof as well as the ceiling caved in. Plaster (was) gone, exposing wooden structural beams.

“Dust. Debris. Nothing homely or liveable about it.

“Mentally, I am (a) fairly tough man. I have travelled and played rugby in the United Kingdom and France since I was 24. Every club previously has always delivered what was in the RFL agreement between the club and I. Throughout the years, I have worked alongside many mental health services in relation to my rugby league career.

“I unfortunately felt alone, excluded, and anxious during my time at Whitehaven RLFC. I stress that my care was lacking. I was disappointed that I had almost no support system in place.

“This is the reason I was suspended and thus my contract terminated. I entered the ground unaccompanied to speak to the board about my accommodation for the night. Technically, (I) broke my risk assessment, however absolutely no care or discretion was taken. I was told multiple rumours.

“For 1, from the Whitehaven RLFC forum page. One member said I had coerced £3000 from a woman and beat her in Yorkshire. This assignation on my character has forced me to walk away from the game in Britain. I have spoken to @rugbyleaguecares.”

It remains to be seen what happens between all parties.

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