Wakefield Trinity’s Tom Lineham reveals the Super League club he almost joined and why top teams “don’t offer as much money”

WAKEFIELD TRINITY winger Tom Lineham is one of the great characters in the sport of rugby league.

Always one to make headlines in terms of interviews, the former Warrington Wolves and Hull FC star has revealed how the move to Warrington almost looked entirely different.

In fact, in the prime of his Hull career, Lineham almost made the move to a Super League rival.

“I almost went to Wigan in 2013, I wanted to go, but Hull wouldn’t let me and then I went to Warrington two years later,” Lineham told League Express.

“That would have been pretty cool. If you could choose all your clubs, you’d have started at Leeds, moved to Wigan and then ended up at St Helens but you can’t do that!”

The 30-year-old also explained how the shortness of a rugby league career can influence more financially-driven decisions in terms of club moves.

“You’ve got to think it’s a short career so you’ve got to get to what you can while you can and sometimes the top teams don’t offer as much money because they need more of those top players so you all need to take a salary sacrifice and you get better opportunities elsewhere,” Lineham continued.

“I’ve got things I like to do away from rugby and projects which I like to do and will continue to do. I don’t have regrets.”

Lineham’s career has taken him from Hull to Warrington and now back to Yorkshire and the winger explained the difficulties of settling into a new club.

“It was different, it was different going from Hull to Warrington, but I struggled in my first year at Warrington.

“When I make new friends I get excited and start enjoying the environment. When I get my feet under the table and settle in that’s when I thrive.

“I don’t want to stay at one club and not try new things and a three-year deal at 30 years old, you can’t go wrong. It’s good and different.

“I can live back at home. I did miss out on a lot when I was in the north west.”