Wigan Warriors part owner Mike Danson in takeover of struggling football club and stadium

WIGAN WARRIORS part owner Mike Danson has held talks to take over a struggling football club.

Danson, who purchased a 25 per cent stake in the Warriors back in 2020, has had a bid accepted to purchase Wigan Athletic,

The Wigan-born man founded the company Datamonitor in 1990, selling it 17 years later for an incredible £507 million, before then going on to co-found GlobalData.

It is thought that Danson also wants to take over the DW Stadium – the venue which the Warriors currently rent – with Danson also thought to be interested in a full takeover of the rugby league club

Back in 2021, Wigan held talks with the owners at Athletic, Phoenix 2021, following rent increases.

The Warriors’ majority shareholder, Ian Lenagan, had been linked with a move to purchase Athletic back in 2020, placing three bids but Bahraini owner Abdulrahman Al-Jasmi took the club out of administration in 2021.

That ownership has been controversial to say the least with wages being paid late incurring a points deduction from the English Football League for the upcoming League One season.

A statement from Mike Danson said: “I am delighted to become involved in Wigan Athletic Football Club. I was born in Wigan, I grew up locally and the community of the town is close to my heart.

“I want to recognise that the Club has a hugely important part to play in the local community, not just for players, but for fans, employees and all its suppliers, business partners and numerous community groups. We have worked hard to provide the EFL with a realistic financial plan to stabilise operations. We look forward to a fresh start for the Club and planning for the upcoming season.

“Many community and Club representatives including Lisa Nandy MP, David Molyneux, Executive Leader of Wigan Council and Alison McKenzie-Folan CEO of Wigan Council, along with the Official Wigan Athletic Supporters Club and the EFL, have worked extremely hard to bring about a positive conclusion to the Club’s recent troubles.

“Wigan Athletic and its fans have had a lot of uncertainty over recent years and the most important thing now is to give all stakeholders the opportunity to focus on the season ahead.”