York City Knights confirm takeover has gone through

Both York City Knights Ltd and York City Knights Holdings Ltd have confirmed that the ownership of both companies has now been transferred from John Guildford to Jon Flatman as the takeover of the League 1 club has been completed.

Under new ownership, the club said in a statement that they will announce further information in due course relating to, but not limited to, players, sponsors, partners, merchandise and season tickets.

Flatman stated: “I would like to thank John Guildford for the manner in which he has delivered a debt free club and for his commitment to the sport in York for many years. We, as a club, will now look forward to season 2017 and beyond with a commitment to deliver a club to be proud of. James Ford is an excellent coach and I would like to thank him for his loyalty to the club throughout the handover process.”

Guildford himself commented: “I am delighted that the handover of the club to Jon Flatman has been completed and look forward to Jon, James Ford and the players having a successful 2017 season and I and my family would like to thank all York City Knights supporters for their patience in what I know has been a difficult and worrying few months.

“I now hope that Jon and the club is allowed to prosper without the interference of the outside forces that I have had to contend with in recent years and I look forward to seeing the club in a permanent home again, wherever that might be.”