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Everything posted by jamescolin

  1. What a terrible display. Dropped balls, one man rugby, no moves, poor tackling. Shows how much we miss the injured players.
  2. Please may I have your MOM for the Halifax game, first three choices please.
  3. MOM Totals after the Bradford Game: Dean 8, Ford and Bussey 7, Lacans and Gale 5, Hardcastle 4, Aekins, Day and |Koppy 3, Jones and Lockwood 2, Briscoe, Hankinson and Wildie 1 each.
  4. Closing down for Bradford matrch. The wineer was Ford with 38, second was Gale with 28 and third Hardcastle with 23.
  5. At 11.30 we have: Ford 34, Gale 24, Hardcastle 21, Day 7, Bussey 6, Cozza 4, Briscoe 2 and Jones 1.
  6. After todays voting we have: Ford 33, Hardcastle 21, Gale 18, Bussey and Day 5, Cozza 4, Dean 3, and Jones 1.
  7. After today's scoring we have: Hardcastle 10, Ford 9, Gale7, Day 4, Bussey and Cozza 2, Jones, and Dean 1 each.
  8. Please may I have your MOM for the Bradford game. First three choices please.
  9. MOM Totals after the Newcastle game: Dean 8, Bussey 7, Lacans 5, Ford 4, Day, Koppy, Aekins, Gale and Hardcastle, 3 each, Jones and Lockwood 2, Briscoe, Wilidie and Hankinson 1..UTR
  10. OK it is Friday and I have had no votes since Tuesday. Time to close this game voting MOM down. No different totals since my post on Tuesday. Full totals shown on MOM Full Totals.
  11. Only a 'F' short of Fev Heroes. A sign for the future. We now have a charging hub.
  12. If they do bulid then rent the buildings out and have a regular income coming in, rather than sales and quickly gone income.
  13. Plus the fact that it is hard for older people dfriving in the dark. I am going as a season ticket holder but would prefer Sunday afternoon for the match.
  14. The up to date leading scorers are: Hardcastle 47, Bussey 30, and Briscoe and Wildie 15 each.
  15. If your income is not enough to meet your overheads then you should not spend money you haven't got. If income is not covering overheads then look at the overheads and give them some attention. Reducing the outgoings is the way to do it. You must look at all the channels to increase income. Diversify and use all the assets for increased income. To blame crowds for the trouble is not on. Control of income and expenditure is in the hands of the 0wners and proper close scrutiny of the Debtors and Creditors is vital. To have taken on more expenditure than you can afford is bad management.
  16. At 7pm the scoring is: Hardcastle 18, Bussey 10, Wildie 7, Briscoe 4, Day 2, Dean 1.
  17. Please may I have your MOM for the Rovers v Newcastle game. First three choices please. UTR.
  18. MOM Totals after Whitehaven game: Dean 8, Lacans and Bussey 5, Ford 4, Day, Koppy, Aekins and Gale 3, Jones and Lockwood 2, Hankinson 1.
  19. Coming up to 5.30 so closing down voting for Whitehaven match. The winner is Bussey with 44 votes, second Gale with 25 and third Lacans with 18..
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