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About jamescolin

  • Birthday 31/05/1934

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    Featherstone Rovers, walking, helping

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  1. Please may I have your MOM for the Sheffield game. First three choices pleaase.
  2. Our MOM totals after the Swinton game are: Jones 23, Addy 20, Minikin 20, Aekins 19, Day 17, Reynolds 14, Wynne 11, Hardcastle 11, Gale 10, Turner 10, Springer 8, Lacans 6, Bussey 6, Patten 4, Arnold 4, Gorman 3, Macokecoke 2, Eden 2, Nakubuwai 2, Beckettt, Massey and Tennison 1 each.
  3. 6.30 No more votes so closing down this match . The winners Bussey and Minikin 8 each, Eden 7, and Hardcastle 4.
  4. Nothing for a day. Will give it while tomorrow and then close the voting for this match down.
  5. At 7pm we have: Bussey and Minikin 8, Eden 7, Hardcasatle 4, Nakubuwai 3, Lockwood 2. Very disappointing match result.
  6. Please may I have your MOM for the Swinton game. First three choices pleasae.
  7. Out MOM Totals afdter the Barrow game are: Jones 23, Addy 20, Aekins 19, Day 17, Minikin 17, Reynolds 14, Wynne 11, Hardcastle, Turner and Gale 10, Springer 8, Lacans 6, Patton and Arnold 4, Bussey and Gorman 3, Macokecoke and Nakubuwai 2, Backett, Massey and Tennison 1 each.
  8. The final top three scores for the Barrow game are: Reynolds 47, Arnold 12, Jones 10.
  9. No votes since Tuesday. Will give it a bit longer today and then close this game voting down. Hope we keep Reynolds.
  10. At 7.45 we have: Reynolds 44, Arnold 11, Jones 10, Patton 8, Addy 5, Day 5, Hardcastle 3, Spreinger 2, Locxkwood 2.
  11. At 10pm we have: Reynolds 41, Arnold 11, Jones 8, Patton 8, Addy and Day 5, Hardcastle 3, Springer 2, and Lockwood 1.
  12. At 7.15pm we have : Reynolds 38, Arnold 11, Jones and Patton 8, Addy 4, Day and Hardcastle 3, Springer 2, and Lockwood 1.
  13. It would be nice if you contrbuted them to Featherstone Rovers officials at the Swinton match. They could then raffle them off back at Post Office Road and help finances a bit. Certainly an interesting item.
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