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Everything posted by Wolford6

  1. If you have some new brickwork or pointing done and it looks too glaring against the weathered surrounding masonry, you can paint the new bit with a mixture of yoghurt and pva adhesive. Mould will start growing on it pretty quickly.
  2. Strike Back Project Dawn has finished. I will miss it. Surely, it must be time for a new series of Game of Thrones or Spartacus.
  3. If you go to the Popbitch messageboard today, there's a really funny comment that was reportedly made by Jane Wiedlin.
  4. If you'd ever worn anything other than polyester, you'd know that all the best suit cloth comes from Yorkshire and Scotland.
  5. Either way, it's only second, third or fourth spot in the lottery of British nationality.
  6. Best eat 'em quick. it's humble pie for your boys on Saturday.
  7. I have to work on brownfield projects all over the north of England, so getting up at stupid o'clock and driving six days a week is the only option. Then I generally get home after 6pm, make my tea and prepare stuff for the next day. However, this week, I am office-bound whilst writing up completion reports and assessment reports. This is my daily commute: Bed ... get up at 6.00am Bathroom ... shave and shower Shop, 500 yds walk ... buy the Times and return Kitchen ... make tea and beakfast Front Room ... eat breakfast, do Times crossword and sudoku, watch Daybreak TV Conservatory ... my office, start at 8.00, work till 6pm; frequent breaks for tea, coffee, pop, crisps, biscuits, chocolate, sandwich, haircut, supermarket, cut the grass, fail to fix son's leaking toilet etc. God, it's hell I tell you.
  8. I liked her the best. What the UK market needs is a telly with aromavision.
  9. Careful: Genius at work: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dGKXgKmYg08
  10. AAARRGHHH!!! AAARRGHHH!!! AAARRGHHH!!! Pass me that gun; I need to shoot myself.
  11. Not listened to this yet on the i-player but I will do tomorrow: Peter Hook interviews John Cooper Clarke. http://www.bbc.co.uk/iplayer/episode/b0132pv7/Chain_Reaction_Series_7_Peter_Hook_Interviews_John_Cooper_Clarke/
  12. I'm not actually a Yorkshireman, only an adoptive one. But I can tell a good cup of tea, and there's no such brand as 'Lancashire Tea' is there. In fact the only widespread things that the name of that particular county is routinely identified with are cheese and the Lancashire Boiler.
  13. How is life behind the barbed wire? Let's face it, nobody tried to tunnel into Colditz.
  14. Certainly no use to me. I only drink proper leaf tea at home, none of that teabag garbage. None of that sliced bread rubbish either. Nor that there semi-skilled milk. And especially no electric beer.
  15. Morrisons have started selling Typhoo Leaf Tea again. First time in over a year. Got some in Lancashire Not seen it yet in Bradford though.
  16. I was driving to Rotherham today and, on the opposite northbound carriageway, a wagon had run off the road and caught fire. I don't know what it was carrying but it also set several trees on fire.
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