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The Hallucinating Goose

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The Hallucinating Goose last won the day on March 7 2021

The Hallucinating Goose had the most liked content!

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    East Yorkshire

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  1. A primary school choir made up of 8 year olds singing Christmas carols while another kid shakes a tambourine and another plays a recorder out of tune would be superior to this rubbish.
  2. The general consensus on social media does seem to be that this is absolutely rubbish. Also a lot of people saying what this needs is Daft Punk!
  3. The two planes on there by Paris are air force planes that are just patrolling north-south repeatedly and overlapping each other.
  4. Now if this was in a stadium that piano player wouldn't be half as wet but no, the French have to be different...
  5. Can we have some more teams now please, haven't had any for a while, just people prancing around!
  6. I just said something similar to this to Mrs. Goose funnily enough.
  7. We could have just had a 3 hour Daft Punk gig, that would have made this Goose very happy!
  8. https://www.loverugbyleague.com/post/yorkshire-based-club-publicly-announce-plans-to-join-league-1-in-2025
  9. Come to a match some time mate, then you can play Spot the Goose! 🪿
  10. I've been and picked up my new Beverley Town shirt today! £18 for the shirt of a 9th division team. Very different to £80 for a Premier League shirt.
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