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  1. As for coddle, it's interesting how family favorites can vary from person to person. Perhaps you could tweak the recipe a bit to suit your taste preferences more. Are there any other winter dishes you enjoy making or would like to try out? Speaking of winter dishes, have you experimented with any Instant Pot chicken recipes? They're perfect for cozy nights, offering a quick and convenient way to prepare hearty meals.
  2. Have you tried Russian meat jelly? Oh, it's the worst thing I've tried in my life. Picture this: a quivering, gelatinous mass that looks like it came straight out of a horror movie. The texture is enough to send shivers down your spine, and the taste... well, let's just say it's an acquired one. In my quest to erase the memory of that culinary misadventure, I stumbled upon a salvation of sorts – a recipe that has become my go-to for a comforting and delicious meal: London broil in crock pot. Gone are the days of Russian meat jelly haunting my taste buds. Now, the aroma of London broil marinating in a savory blend of herbs and spices fills my kitchen, creating an anticipation that is hard to resist. The slow cooker does all the work, transforming a tough cut of meat into a tender masterpiece.
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