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Everything posted by gingerjon

  1. The things you see ... ... cleaning up after an ITV daytime outside broadcast ...
  2. The one-hit wonders 'station' at last.fm. Tis an interesting mix. And now the Spin Doctors have come on ...
  3. Not the bit near the station! The bit where my parents now are, that's pretty decent. Haven't really seen anywhere else yet.
  4. Love the Quins pics. Bit of time to kill waiting for a train this morning, so I thought I'd capture the beauty of Swansea:
  5. Bellowhead. Basically, they rock in a folky big-band way.
  6. Photos mainly taken during lunchtime or on my way home!
  7. Free concert outside the National Theatre, part of their Watch This Space programme:
  8. Use Elements, no need for the full version.
  9. Well, firstly one has to be able to use photoshop. But it's unlikely it will save a 'bad' photo although it might make it more interesting. There's no difference to me between what's done in Photoshop now and what's been done in post-processing since the dawn of photography. Very, very few images are exactly what the camera saw. That said, without the camera taking the pictures for me, I'd be flucked.
  10. Well, there's the train to London. Not sure what else it has.
  11. A few from Whipsnade on the weekend:
  12. And very nice she is too. Shame the background is dark because having desaturated if it was paler that would be such a strong image. Anyway, took the camera to Great Missenden for the Chilterns Country Fair and in between chasing after Little Ginger I managed to a get a few photies... Full set
  13. I am still recovering from the loss of the original thread.
  14. Didn't know that 'big ear-rings' were a reason to go to the south of France... Anyway, a reason to fear for the sanity of Sloane Rangers ... they need to be told that pigeons ain't pleasant creatures ... Sloane Square, London, July 2008.
  15. Superb shot. Incidentally Snorbans appear to be wearing a proper kit in that photo. Whoever designs next season's should have a look at it - see how it's done.
  16. Ah, fair enough. Not having CS2 (or indeed CS3) the only time I get that halo effect is when I've over-sharpened and I have little floating people with their own clouds around them
  17. Fantastic colours and composition but - personal opinion only - I think they're over-sharpened. There's that 'halo' effect at the edge of some of the buildings.
  18. Okay. I wont! Kirkwall Bus Station. No buses. Possibly a sensitive building though.
  19. Look into my eyes ... Details: D40x @ 300mm; 1/400; f/5.6; ISO 400
  20. Excellent. Some great expressions there.
  21. From a free concert in Victoria Embankment Gardens yesterday lunchtime: And in the evening, a Covent Garden street entertainer:
  22. You see that's a good response but it took you hours and it still ain't as good as my phaser line. Incidentally I did a kelkoo on the A200 and Amazon is the most expensive for that set-up.
  23. Black & White first and foremost. Yes, yes. It's sunny here now actually. Meant to ###### down tonight though. Like that a lot.
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