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  1. My comments have all been of praise for Featherstone, and I had decided to not comment on this thread anymore as we all need to draw a line and focus on next year. But. Them grapes you are sucking on must be really sour........
  2. I dont think I have ever called anyone boring on our board. I may have suggested that someone was showing too much interest to a thread. If i did call you boring then it would have been my opinion, I would never tell anyone to go away, as it is an open forum. We are the same in Halifax, we are passionate about our team and we are really friendly..
  3. There was no luck to the three tries we scored to come back from 22 - 4 down... Okay, I'll go away now. I though it was an open forum, but hey ho, you can keep it to yourselves if thats the way you want it. TTFN
  4. By the way. Its only a tin pot trophy, that Batley won, because you didnt win it. Had you won it you would have been celebrating the fact, as would we.
  5. No bitching or moaning here. Featherstone were the best team throughout the whole competition. They had the best attack and the best defence. This is absolute FACT and this should be celebrated. Its a shame that this doesnt mean that as a result of this achievement Featherstone are promoted to Superleague. I for one think it should be.... No bitching or moaning. Promotion and Relegation are what drives a sporting league and Featherstone SHOULD be promoted. However. Still no bitching or moaning. Halifax are the 2010 champions, due to the silliness of Rugby League. The whole thing was decided on a "Golden Point", which for what its worth I think is absolutely nonesense, I think what Featherstone have achieved this year is outstanding, and was borne out by the Championship awards, and this should be celebrated and enjoyed by all Featherstone staff and fans. But dont try to steal our title (probably a bit of bitching and moaning here), its ours......
  6. We dont need to try and steal anything. When the league starts we all play to the same rules, which include the winners of the grand final being crowned as "Cooperative Champions 2010" Therefore, people may not agree with it, but Halifax are officially Champions 2010. Get over it and see what 2011 brings.......
  7. Why does it matter so much for others to post false statements, saying that Featherstone are Champions 2010, when this is "JUST NOT TRUE"
  8. Give up.......... You are Minor Premiers, Halifax are 2010 Cooperative Champions. Its official!!!!!!!!!!
  9. I stand corrected. I have read the by-laws of the game and it does say that the referee can give an advantage where an infrigement results in the ball going to the oposing team. Therefore I played the relevant part back on my sky recording (which is on Keep, for obvious reasons) and Robert Hicks blows the whistle as the ball goes forward, even before it is dropped on the floor. He then blows the whistle again when your player runs off down the field. Therefore he was correct to bring them back for the scrum as the whistle had already gone. Its in the fish and chip wrappers now, but it was a point worth debating. Roll on 2011.
  10. I have no quibble with you over the Barlow strip, but if they dont see it they cant penalise it and it shouldnt matter when the offence is commited, so the fact that Whelham knocked on which resulted in a try was earlier in the game so it was okay? They are both the same. An attempted double movement is a penalisable offence???????????? What?????????? Its only an offence if he plonks the ball down over the line, which he didnt, so no offence. I too look forward to our clashes in 2011 as I actually like coming to Post Office Road.
  11. No, you are mistaken. It was not a knock on, it was a forward pass, and you cannot give advantage for a forward pass.
  12. Exactly my point as a non smoker. Surely they can last a couple of hours without a fag. By the way, it is pure conjecture (definition: . Inference or judgment based on inconclusive or incomplete evidence; guesswork. A statement, opinion, or conclusion based on guesswork) to infer it was a Halifax supporter. There were supporters of other clubs in the stand and people who work at the HJ under the stand. It is not within the realms of fantasy to think that it could have been someone else?????
  13. But he can only give penalties for what he and his officials see. It is clear that Barlow did strip the ball, but then again Welham did knock on and when this was pointed out by Holroyd, he marched us 10 more meters downfield and the next plays resulted in your first try. Swings and roundabouts.
  14. But at least the playing surface is flat. I too think the seats are far, far too narrow and close together and feel that there is more room in the seats at your ground, as they are in our East Stand at the Shay (although pretty pricey). I have been to all grounds and I too like both the KC stadium and the Keepmoat stadium, which i think could be used in preference to HJ, although it is all seater, so would probably not be suitable to some.
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