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Everything posted by gogledd

  1. Just got back from Old Trafford. I went to support Catalans Dragons as a regular Dragons supporter so I was hopeful we'd pull out a decent enough performance to beat Wigan. Unfortunately that wasn't to be. A very tight first half and there were probably only 10 minutes in the second half that Dragons looked like getting near Wigans line. Wigans defence was spot on to be fair and their exploitation of a gap when we had 12 on the pitch was the difference between the two teams. Gutted we lost, but congratulations to Wigan, who were the better team today.
  2. I first met Robert Fassolette, the French Team Manager in 2014 or 2015 when we played France in a European tournament and again in 2017 when France hosted the Wheelchair Rugby League World cup. As in the documentary he was always passionate in his advocacy of Wheelchair Rugby League and as one of the founders of the sport saw his role as the guardian of the spirit and ethos of the sport. He's always advocated the sport for disabled athletes and those with able bodies to comply with the rules to ensure a fair game between all athletes. The French are unhappy that the sport has, in their viewpoint, changed to be disadvantageous to disabled athletes whose movement is impacted by their injury or disability. That has been their viewpoint for some considerable time and not just in 2022. There's definitely more to it than just unhappy and not having their own way. I have to agree with you that the RLWC2021 Wheelchair final in Manchester was a spectacular experience. It was fast furious and got the crowd absolutely enthralled; the atmosphere was electric. I hope many of those who went to the final watched the documentary and discovered more about the people who play the sport. My utmost respect is always for the athletes who play the game.
  3. Sorry to have lost him from North Wales Crusaders. He was a big favourite with the fans and will be missed. Looks like Hornets have picked up a great signing.
  4. I'm responding to the post where you said you didn't want to watch Donny because it would be a blow out score where you'd beat them by 80 points. The remainder of League 1 teams were all competing to get to Championship level last season. While I accept only Dewsbury and Doncaster made the cut, the competition to get there was pretty fierce. I'm more concerned that the remaining 8 clubs don't get cut adrift and theres a sustainable structure for them to play in.
  5. So its OK to have blow out scores that are in the same league but exclude the 8 remaining L1 teams for the same reason?
  6. Doncaster got promoted...as it stands you WILL be playing them!
  7. I think the French would support that. The other viewpoint is that limits inclusivity, for example Jack Brown started playing Wheelchair Rugby league with his brother,as there was no other sport where disabled players could play with able-bodied players at the same level. I've come across this many times with Wheelchair Rugby League....in fact we now have a situation in Wales where a mum and daughter play for Cardiff Blue Dragons and her husband and son play for Torfaen Tigers! I've always leaned towards inclusivity but I do have some sympathy for the French viewpoint. If Wheelchair rugby could adapt the rules in a way that doesn't give an advantage to one set of players then I think there could be a compromise/.
  8. 1. Not sure. When teams submit team sheets prior to a game they coaches mark players as AB (able-bodied) or LM (limited movement - these players can tap their wheels to restart and score. They wear armbands to signify that they have limited movement). Its not just the able-bodied players that France are concerned about, its any player (who may have some disability, e.g. epilepsy) who has more mobility than a regular wheelchair user. 2. The only mandate at the moment is that there must not be more than 2 able-bodied players on the pitch during any part of the game. That can mean you have 5 non-wheelchair users playing, which the French perceive as an advantage. I'm sure that the French would like to adapt the rules to ensure more consideration was given to players with spinal injuries and regular wheelchair users, or players with amputations or limb disabilities. 3. I can only answer from Wales perspective - funding and professionalism. In the World Cup England had a coaching staff of 11, Wales permanent staff was 4 (including the media manager!); Wales recruited a physio for the tournament and we were allocated a doctor and a chaplain. England and France would include strength and conditioning, video analysis, etc. England would hold weekend training camps in St. Georges Park, whereas Wales would meet at most once a month in a sports hall prior to the World Cup. England are well funded in comparison to the celtic nations and the set up is on a more professional basis. For our World Cup in 2017 all our players and staff self-funded (£1500) to play and had to take leave from work....you can imagine how this effects squad choice! Fortunately for the World Cup 2021 all players were given pro-rata payments for the first, and so far, only time. Wales staff (apart from the media manager) are unpaid. Wheelchair Rugby League is growing internationally, Brazil have expressed interest and Norway were due to play in 2021 but pulled out due to difficulties emphasised by covid. In my opinion the tournament organisers need to ensure sufficient funding is in place for travel and participation as well as payment for players.
  9. Its a possibility but not the most important matter to the French. I thinks they'd be happier if the rules were reviewed so that able-bodied players had to adapt their play so that they wouldn't have an advantage over regular wheelchair users or players with disabilities that effect their movement.
  10. I've been inside the Wales Wheelchair RL Team camp at two World Cups as their team manager. I've also attended the pre-game meetings with other team managers and tournament directors. In fairness France have held the same view in regards to the disability aspect of the sport and would go down the disability classification route if they could get agreement .... and they expressed their view at all the pre-tournament meetings. I don't think Wheelchair Rugby will go down that route purely because of its inclusivity. In the 2022 World Cup Wales had 12 player - 10 men, 2 women, our youngest player was just 18 and our oldest in his 50s, all players bar 1 had some disability...from cerebral palsy to photosensitive epilepsy....and that for me makes it the game it is. It was great to see the back story of the players, my only complaint was, it would have been nice to see some of the other teams in the competition, Scotland, USA and Ireland never even got a mention, but I accept the story was about the top two teams and it made great viewing.
  11. It would be nice to see a Wigan win. I've known a lot of the Wigan Warriors from way back when they were Leyland. I've a lot of good friends in both teams but I'd like Wigan to win for their player coach Phil. PS - If you've not watch it yet, get on BBC i-Player and watch Storyville: Made of Steel
  12. I hope he starts playing Masters Rugby League just so I can say I tackled him and buy him a pint!
  13. I had already been looking at campsites and Aires...I was going to drive over in our motorhome for the duration.
  14. I'll look forward to seeing the documentary. Should be great viewing. Thanks for the heads up
  15. Catalans Dragons are the Super League team I follow so I would definitely go. I was there two years ago at the Grand Final when they lost. I try to their games in the UK when North Wales Crusaders aren't playing or I'm not playing for Chester Gladiators Masters.
  16. Would they be a great addition to League 1/ Championship or an even greater loss to the FFR Elite 1? Selfishly I'd love them to join, but I'm not sure what effect it would have on the French leagues.
  17. Appreciate all the responses and amazing comments our fans have received from Doncaster fans. I'd like to emphasise our beef is with Doncaster stadium management and certainly not with Doncaster fans or their Club. All the very best for next season..and hopefully we can join you in the Championship at the end of 2024.
  18. I can't remember it happening to our supporters bus before but from memory I think previously we got dropped off and our coach driver went elsewhere to park then we phoned him once we were ready to leave. I've driven a 17-seater minibus there before with North Wales Cru fans, 4 of them with mobility problems, one was well into his 80's. Even though I had a blue badge for the vehicle I was asked for £10 to park in a disability parking space! I refused, dropped off my passengers, parked elsewhere and returned to collect everyone after the game. I did write to Doncaster RLFC regarding this and was told it was the policy of the then Keepmoat Stadium management We had a similar issue at Oldhams Boundary Park ground at the play-off earlier this month. We were again charged £20 for the Supporter Club bus....It seems like football stadiums like to add on charges for visiting fans. At Midlands Hurricanes new venue, The Alexandra Stadium, fans were asked to pay an additional £5 to go into the post-match bar. Guess what? we all got on the bus and spent our money in our local on our return....so perhaps its not just football clubs who are greedy. These policies, in my view lose revenue for the venues. It might not be a lot of money, but it doesn't sit well with the fans, who vote with their feet and go elsewhere rather than putting money behind the bar. I have to say that most clubs run by and on behalf of rugby league clubs are usually welcoming and appreciate supporters spending their cash in the ground.
  19. Appreciate you passing my comments on. I've passed them on to the fella that runs your Facebook page (Darryl). I've also completed the feedback form I received from the Stadium and encouraged our fans to do the same. Finally I've written a formal complaint about one particular, confrontational and aggressive steward to the Eco-Power stadium. Whether they do anything about it is another matter. Hopefully they take complaints from customers seriously
  20. OK. I'll ask. Who play who...and how many times? Or in other words how many home games would each team get to make sustainable season?
  21. Can I add my congratulations to Doncaster on the win at the Eco-Power Stadium yesterday. It was a great atmosphere, with lots of noise, colour and entertainement. I thought we fared well and at 8 - 0 at half time our fans were still confident that our lads could do it; we'd come from behind before and won, and it was close as could be. The Doncaster defence was incredible, no matter how we tried it took us until after 70 minutes to break through. It was settles by a really good Donny try at the end and I thought the score genuinely reflected the game. Very best wishes to the Doncaster players and staff for next season and a huge thanks to the fans that came over at the end of the game to wish us well and a safe journey home. A few things for the Donny fans to take up with the Doncaster Stadium management for next season: 1. Charging a team bus and a supporters club bus £20 each to park is incredibly stupid. Our fans chose to drink on the Beefeater as they didn't feel that was the warmest of welcomes. 2. Over officious stewarding. We were approached aggressively from the get go; one steward had an atrocious attitude to our fans. A former police officer heard one steward say "this lot looks like trouble!" We're probably the friendliest bunch of fans you're likely to meet! The same steward even took a grapefruit-sized beachball of one of the junior players, who had played in the warm up. He actually grabbed one of our fans by the throat while hugging Carl Forster post-match. I'll be forwarding a formal complaint. I recognise this isn't stewarding organised by Doncaster RLFC but they do need to be aware of how fans are respected and treated by the current staff. 3. Members bar. £5 to get in the post-match area then pay a fiver a pint needs addressing. Again, a stadium management decision that needs changing. That aside overall we had a fantastic day out and appreciate the plaudits the Club received in person and on social media.
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