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Everything posted by Oxford

  1. Really like In a Different Place from that first one. Got in trouble once for teaching my class the lyrics to Another Brick in the Wall!
  2. What's that quote? "Without music life would be a mistake."
  3. I must admit I'm really enjoying different versions of stuff at the moment.
  4. It is interesting how different the experience this is from the RL forum where we're all a bit too bust pushing our agenda to remember the important thing about why we're here in the first place.
  5. I have to say since I started looking at this thread I've been from one of it to the other - I've found some new things, some not so new, some things I'd forgotten, and I've added to lists and collections fantastically so, many thanks one and all.
  6. I can't get around this idea that human beings will develop and evolve as we seem the most unlikely group to be capable of moving on to something better without cocking it up completely and deciding on the most disastrous of all the options. Or maybe I'm just thinking about the forum responses to RL expansion! Sorry books ...... I don't know if I've mentioned this one or not: Jerusalem The Biography by Simon Sebag Montefiore big volume that I keep going back to full of interesting little facts like the Philistines being a very cultured group in complete contrast to the modern usage of the noun, and the term Gits coming from another group King David fought called the Gath. Who'd a thought it?
  7. Back to XIII Winters for the Summer! Gem. Classic. And makes me Laugh! And it's got TGG in it!
  8. I should stock up Robin. It reminds of the Groucho Marx story of WC Fields attic full of booze and when Groucho said but prohibition's over, fields said "It might come back!" and Brexit and large customs duty and much less allowances are on the way!
  9. I haven't done this for a long time because I'm usually driving and once took someone very rude with me and it did not end well, when they walked out without a by your leave I was left to appologise and if I wasn't sober before I certainly was when I let that person know what I thought. God save from English snobs! Which reminds me I think I've got some muscat sec in the fridge - magic - bag in box here I come!
  10. When I'm not looking for stuff I already know and love I use these medal as a rough guide and they're like God and Parky pretty infallible.
  11. I had that but then the free range ducks came from the farm next door to ask me what I was doing in their garden .... so I left them to find whatever it is Daisy and Donald look for As I was up early and grey sky again the music-mood was a bit mixed so it went: The Royal Chessmen - Beggin' You, The Nortons - Married to the Blues, What Can I Do? - Donnie Elbert Van (The angriest Man) Morrison - Listen to the Lion, Tin Pan - Evening, Y Andale - Linda Rondstadt and Got to go and chop some branches off a tree now!
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