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  1. Yeah good point Ford was direct of rugby. He probs is past his best to be honest.
  2. That's devastating for Halifax that is. They've suffered fan drop off massively from previous licencing and other shenanigans.....they were starting to recover step by step like most clubs during the sports recovery to a competitive system. Shame it didn't last long.
  3. They need 3rd party inspectors at the turnstiles doing unannounced spot checks. Otherwise figures are to be taken with a pince of salt, and if that's the case shouldn't be used, and probably a legal case will be brought forward that they can't be used when clubs are excluded based on notional numbers, loss of earnings.
  4. A very weak team full of poor players could be full of entertaining crack pots full of charisma and tons of social media followers.....might do better for the sports fortunes than a team full of boring robots that churns out reasonable results
  5. We can be certain SL is gonna have collateral damage on this kind of scale moving forward so it's a waiting game again its sad when its to be that way. Bradford Bulls...... Paris Saint-Germain........ Gateshead Thunder...... Huddersfield-Sheffield Giants .... Widnes Vikings...... Harlequins ........ Celtic Crusaders..... Toronto Wolfpack...... All absolutely massive super league clubs if I remember rightly......
  6. Naw because RL is traditionally played in those areas. No breakthrough required regarding community building. Not on the level of London or Newcastle at least.
  7. I'm quoting myself. Not talking to myself. It's a reference point.
  8. The point is, this system isn't gonna encourage that either. Let's look at Scholars and Thunder
  9. Semore kudri probs saw that, so this system looks like its gonna attract less serious investors.
  10. Any high grade B, Toulouse, Featherstone, Bradford, York, Widnes....would have had a crack at staying in SL just from SL status. Except London, SL status isn't gonna give them enough of an img boost come next rankings. Now it's almost impossible from all on the outside. Except perhaps those with recent residue SL status like Cas & Wakey.
  11. Community. It's terribly hard to magic up a genuine lasting Community, so we aren't gonna see new power houses spring up in large markets or existing clubs relocating to large markets so its all bull.
  12. They are playing things like football and basketball in all the other local authority areas because they are less physically demanding, can be played without recruiting a large number of core players (I.e small sided which is not much different from playing the full version of the game compared to say touch rugby) ......and it can be played on a variety of surfaces both indoor and outdoor......its mission impossible to start something great and important.
  13. On the other side of that coin I think you'll agree the Wakey District clubs are the other vital part but 3 RFL clubs get spanked.
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