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  1. I appreciate that but surely this is a financial decision and Fev will be going for a leaner squad next year?
  2. Looking forward to seeing how he gets on always seems to play well against us. Feel for you guys we know exactly how it feels to be on the end of a bit of a raiding (See Hull KR, Huddersfield etc.)
  3. Seems Bulls are cashing in, smith and now Davies it looks like signing this morning.
  4. God what a poor post. I thought your research might stretch to cover the fact that Bradford is indeed a CITY
  5. Oh so after all that there is no question marks regarding bradford scoring then as some suggest the depths some will go to is incredible when you consider we only rank FOURTEENTH
  6. This is what I think also. Can you see the pitch? Yes. Is there running water? Yes. Can you sit in a covered stand? Yes. I can't see how it would work
  7. I just think it could get really subjective and the whole point of this is to be objective. Granted I know it is not in the best shape and I do take on board your point I just think it would be hard to score this. It needs improvement for sure.
  8. It's not all about stadiums though, is it? They could be in a tidy stadium but do no community work. We have scored pretty much the minimum on the stadium so what is your gripe now, I am struggling to see it.
  9. It's really frustrating but seems they know what needs to be done, if the council had anything about them they would get behind this with the city of culture thing also coming in 2025 it could really give the city a boost. Fingers crossed
  10. You have to say it's impressive considering we are hampered by not being in SL currently. Interesting statement from the club really calling out the council. Touching distance, hopefully the council and club can get on the same page and make something happen
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