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Everything posted by JohnM

  1. I've yet to watch the first part of the podcast but have watched part 2 in full. I kind of expected Martyn to be a little more challenging of Beaumont but nevertheless, it was still worth watching and I recommend that if you've not yet watched it, you should. The past, present and future of our sport at the elite level is ENTIRELY in the hands of the owners, who have backed the project. Given that the project has been approved by club owners, this feels like a disgruntled minority who are determined to derail the project. Legal action? Really? Cloud cuckoo land.
  2. It's my arthritis. I can't walk quickly....and I wasn't at the game. Still, id NEVER leave a game early. .... . . . . . though I might watch the end of it from the bar .
  3. Good grief! I've only just seen the final score after drying my eyes following our comprehensive defeat by a much better side .
  4. Maybe, may be not. We're sadly missing some leadership in the field. Plus Williams is WAY better than Smith..
  5. Warrington playing as a motivated team well-led. Wigan....we...are not.
  6. Something for everyone in this sad dressage episode, from conspiracy believers, through those mis-prnouncing Dujardins name to those drawing parallels with Strictly Come Dancing.
  7. Also Loibl pass. Further down this article you'll see a section on the building of the tunnel and the associated concentration camp. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Loibl_Pass
  8. Many places, mainly mountains. One interesting place: Samnaun, a customs and duty free Swiss village in the middle of nowhere. Plus Stelvio, Umbrail, Nockalm, Triglav.... Stayed one night in a convent, another in a former monestary converted into a posh hotel. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Samnaun
  9. Just returned from 4 weeks in Slovenia, Austria, Germany, etc and things have not changed: more or less everyone we came into contact with wanted to speak English with us. A few words of German, French from us was welcomed but after that, all were keen to practice their English. I've used Duolingo but the problem is age-related retention failure
  10. Understood. So they are not highly motivated and capable owners, directors, players and fans fighting to restore their club to prominence and winning ways.
  11. In my view, the advantages of the opportunity to explain the story behind the name outweighs the disadvantages of reinforcing the northern stereotype so yes, just do it.
  12. That depends. Anything from getting people's names wrong to declaring war on other countries.
  13. Who said or wrote or implied that, and when? What's happening at Oldham and Bradford is what I'm sure we all want to see happening. Highly motivated and capable owners, directors, players and fans fighting to restore their clubs to prominence and winning ways. It shows that those two clubs, in full knowledge of the "Re-imagining Rugby League" project, see a future for their clubs.
  14. You want minutes? Buy yourself a club and get some say and influence. Otherwise " commercial in confidence". Better rude than misguided any day. I've had my say, I've expressed my opinion, I stand by it. I will, though, admit my experience of the sport's death-wish is limited, going back as it does, only 65 years or so.
  15. This'll do for me. People with a dog in the fight. People in control, investors etc. Radical new grading criteria proposals for the future of rugby league have been voted through by the Rugby League Council with a large majority. At a special general meeting in Huddersfield on Wednesday, the Rugby League Council - the sport's decision-making body which comprises representatives from all three professional competitions and the community game - met to vote on the proposals. A majority from each of the three competitions - Super League, Championship, and League One - were in favour of the changes which will see automatic promotion and relegation to and from the Super League axed from next season. The initial proposals, presented to clubs in March, outlined plans for teams to be judged not solely by on-field performance, with Super League places from 2025 instead determined based on a club's finances, fanbase size, stadia and catchment area. Teams' social media following, TV viewing figures, ticket sales and stadium big screens would also be factors.
  16. It's a good job we don't have one of those, then, isn't it. The litany of whining from half a dozen naysayers on this forum does not change anything.
  17. It's not just that,though, in my view. Yes, it's about creating a "tradition", creating an "event". Success by association. It's also about spreading the arrival time of fans across a longer period of time, reducing queuing a bit on trams, buses. (On a personal note, it's not for me but I can't deny it to 70 thousand others. OT is uncomfortable, the sound system is bad, really bad as and its home to Trafford Borough's emetic agent.)
  18. Whatever, whenever, there'll be complaints from an unrepresentative but vociferous minority on here. Remember, this is last-chance saloon for the sport. Kill the programme now and it'll be back to.part-time pros playing at rickety stadiums with hand-written team sheets being passed round meagre crowds huddled round their trannies listening to Bill Bothwell reading out the half-time scores at the other games. But at least we'd have shown that IMG lot where to get off with their modern ideas and Australian accents.
  19. Infinite Monkey Cage is back, as is You're Dead to Me. Natalie Haynes Stands Up For is still knocking around, too. I'd really like to listen to In our Time, but mogadon man Bragg kills that desire.
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