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The Daddy

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The Daddy last won the day on September 13 2019

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    Sarf Landan

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  1. Ifs and buts. Carcassonne had an opportunity to apply to enter the UK league system and didn't. So this is really pointless
  2. So on the French RL threads you talk as if you're a supporter of RL in France and on the IMG thread you're crying saying it's gonna be the 'fiNaL nAiL IN tHE cOfFIn' for you if Toulouse get promoted. Total contradiction
  3. Also the same season where two of their most creative players left just before the season kicked off due to restrictions and disputes around the vaccine passport. (France had much tougher restrictions around this) Let's not use this season as a way to measure Toulouse's potential as it's just meaningless
  4. You talking about the season they got promoted in a global pandemic and vaccine passports were introduced and many people were still restricted in their homes and afraid to go out? Yeah that's a fair comparison.
  5. I know. The crying has started already looking at some of these posts
  6. Toulouse are in the conversation based on the scoring of IMGs criteria. If they are in SL they would fully deserve to be there.
  7. That's a very narrow minded view from someone that claims to want to see France Rugby League do well. Why would it be 'the final nail in the coffin' if TO deservedly got in ahead of Leigh or Cas?
  8. Changing from England to GB again, like rearranging deckchairs on the titanic. Utterly pointless, absolute clown show
  9. Would love to see Manchester Rangers reapply but after how they were treated that would be wishful thinking
  10. Does anyone have a link for where this game is gonna be shown?
  11. Essentially this is the pro league that was going to be launched in tandem with France hosting the World Cup.
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