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Forever Trinity

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  1. It's obviously a risk but Ellis has put in top quality rehab facilities in at Wakefield ensuring players are best prepared and looked after post match etc
  2. Don't forget the shared stadium on the Sharlston pit site too
  3. It's clear from this season fans prefer Sundays
  4. Perhaps the French should develop their game and develop to compete at the International level. There is a French league already they should be developing that
  5. Fev have sold there quota of tickets with some fans also purchasing direct from Wakey should be a good atmosphere
  6. We went up to watch Trinity a few weeks ago to be fair they have a hardcore and the reception we got was fantastic a real community feel, from a RL perspective to get there it's like the final destination on the line. Couple that with playing Toulouse and a Saturday kick off with probably zero French fans it would be a difficult game to market. I have been to all games this season bar Batley away and I am not going to Toulouse as I have a commitment in London but everywhere I/we have been has been great not been to some for many years, there is a great game outside of SL sadly it doesn't get the support it really needs.
  7. He is also looking at the front of the flats as a standing area
  8. Batley, Bulls, Featherstone, Sheffield, Swinton, Wakefield Trinity, Whitehaven
  9. Not really Wakey blew it Griffins pass into touch in the first half with a clear run in for Olpherts, Bain try disallowed (he was binned) Pitts held up over the line which was great defence. Widnes played well and clearly over 80 minutes have been our best opposition but to say Widnes blew it is a bit much.
  10. It wasn't that close to the touch line another foot or so it might have been an option. Thought Widnes did well and gave us a game. We haven't been made to play that bad by any team this season in the league. A few chances bombed by Wakey but that's the nature of the game.
  11. SATURDAY 15th JUNE Barrow Raiders v Halifax Panthers Toulouse Olympique v Doncaster SUNDAY 16th JUNE Dewsbury Rams v York Knights Sheffield Eagles v Featherstone Swinton Lions v Batley Bulldogs Whitehaven v Bradford Bulls Widnes Vikings v Wakefield Trinity
  12. That was actually a 6 million pound grant set up by the Council that Fev Cas and Wakey could access provided the funding was used towards Community facilities. Perhaps as a Dewsbury fan you should ask Kirklees if they are planning the same for all the Kirklees clubs. The funding was allocated in part to the lack of community facilities in the District and the funding as a grant was not taken from rate payers money but Govt pots allocated to local councils. Perhaps you need to go over to Cas now and ask what they are doing at the moment developing their stadium out of this fund. It appears the Council have relaxed the rules as to what it can be spent on as Cas are spending it on IMG matters.
  13. I am sure the players would prefer to play at Everton than Wembley not!
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