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Everything posted by Wolford6

  1. I'm not the biggest fan of the Manic Street Preachers but this video has just won the Q Award for Best VIdeo. A must for anyone who spent too much of his or her adolescent Saturday nights in a working mans club.
  2. It seems there has been a bumper crop of apples everywhere in Bradford this year.
  3. Taped Peaky Blinders but not watched it yet. How does Bradford come across?
  4. Quick!! Turn over from ITV sharpish!!! Wales are on Sky.
  5. The new series of Strike Back starts a week next Monday :biggrin: http://sky1.sky.com/sky1hd-shows/strike-back
  6. This film Undefeated is on Film 4 right now. It's really good. You could do a lot worse than to catch it when it's next on. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Undefeated_%282011_film%29
  7. Don't you just love the US military. http://www.dailystar.co.uk/news/latest-news/340153/Great-British-Bake-Off-cook-Beca-Lyne-Pirkis-talks-about-husband-s-war-hell
  8. I think Phil Bentham is the best ref that I've seen this season.
  9. Would a slingbox be any use to you? Jaci Stephen uses one. She reviews UK telly programmes for the Mail despite living in LA. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Slingbox
  10. I went to watch my son play on Saturday (Junk Dealers ... I've posted the link previously) . One of the other bands on the bill was Negative Panda from Cleckheaton. They have a young drummer who is class. https://soundcloud.com/negative-panda/you-wont-get-to-me-negative
  11. The villages of Garndiffaith and Varteg are contiguous. Obviously, I come from Garndiffaith. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2430414/Varteg-Wales-renamed-Farteg-villagers-fear-make-butt-jokes.html
  12. My sister had to deal with his income tax file when he lived in Gwent. As he was declared bankrupt, I don't suppose the Inland Revenue got much joy!
  13. Wales has put two goalkeepers on the bench for tonight's game ! I can only assume that Boaz Myhill is going to chin one of Serbians early doors.
  14. http://www.thetelegraphandargus.co.uk/news/10664165.Top_photographer___s_archive_set_for_Bradford_s_National_Media_Museum/
  15. The developer, Westgate, bought the site from the council for £50million cash and about forty shops and businesses shut down (my estimate). When the downturn came, it offered to sell the site back. The council didn't have the money. However, the council has found £24million to build a set of fountains in the city centre. The council reportedly got £50million cash from the sale of Leeds Bradford Airport. As far as I am aware, there's been no official statement on where that's gone.
  16. How much did that set you back, or is it a state secret in case your partner / mam / dad finds out?
  17. It's the closest they could get to England in the 1920's. Having said that, we've still kept most of our beautiful old sandstone buildings. Fortunately the council planning department is lazy as well as useless and never got round to okaying the demolition of all the buildings that it wanted to be replaced by pre-cast concrete junk and corrugated tin sheds.
  18. I didn't realise it but the BBC's new showpiece drama series Peaky Blinders was filmed in Bradford. http://www.thetelegraphandargus.co.uk/news/10660604.Bradford_filmed_gangster_drama_Peaky_Blinders_set_for_TV_broadcast/
  19. A full head of hair is one of the few things I've got that's in full working order. Mind you, I started going grey when I was in my early twenties. Someone else with grey hair and all the talent that I haven't. This is a fantastic song for a funeral: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TPwnXO0Xnls
  20. So's Joe Cocker and Glenn Gregory ... proper men with the courage to address their hair issues. Featherstone RLFC have never been the power they were since they abandoned a team of big ugly bald players in favour of normal ugly boys trying to upgrade by having proper hairstyles and their tattoos spelled right.
  21. Saw this bloke in the paper shop this morning. He's over for a short holiday from the States, staying with his brother who lives on my street. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dave_Taylor_(wrestler) http://www.accelerator3359.com/Wrestling/bios/taylor.html
  22. Yes, it's not even as if he would have had to dye it. Phil's a proper man, at ease with himself.
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