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Everything posted by RidingPie

  1. Absolutely, while the Orville might not be full of “perfect people” they all do work together, and after the failed pilot of TOS Roddenberry realised it needed a lighter tone, which definitely covers the Orville And by god you’d have thought Star Fleet could have afforded a few more lights for the Discovery. It’s such a dingy place to work I’m surprised the crew aren’t suffering from sick starship syndrome, or maybe they are.
  2. Ok I’ve just watched the first episode of season 2 of Star Trek Discovery (oh the joys of being out of contract) and while it’s way better than the start of series 1 ( in fairness that’s a low bar) it still leaves my favourite current sci-fi series as the Orville. That said aid at least I’m now feeling entertained by it. Early series 1 was a huge chore to watch.
  3. As a Dad of 3 there are certain kids programmes I hate, but there are a few I enjoy watching with the kids. Voltron Legendary Defender on Netflix is, frankly one of the best shows on TV IMHO and I'm really enjoying the Dragon Prince as well. Does anyone have any kids shows that they secretly don't mind watching with the kids?
  4. Kind of beat each other after the AI in mechashark glitched and he went bad, then they attached a torpedo to the side of mechashark and when megashark bit it (we don’t know how they knew he’d bite there but we don’t want to look too closely at a story where a giant megladon appears suddenly in the middle of the Mediterranean) they both blew up. Thoroughly entertaining cheese.
  5. Watched Megashark vs mechashark this morning. It’s something of a guilty pleasure watching movies like that.
  6. OK I've started watching Happy! on Netflix. I can genuinely say its like nothing else I've ever watched, but I'd avoid it if you don't like graphic violence, and flying blue unicorns.
  7. no and indeed... I don't think it would gratuitous to post more!
  8. Personally I thought Deadpool 2 had the best opening Bond sequence in many years and I loved the mid credits scene. Overall as John did, I really enjoyed it too! As for 4DX I've always suspected I'd pay NOT to sit in those seats.
  9. I have mastered the art of invisibility! i enjoyed it very much, I love the bit in Edinburgh where (spoiler free) one character was stood outside a kebab shop and you could clearly read over her shoulder a large sign saying “just ask! We will deep fry your kebab”
  10. How have I never seen this before (MST or Reptilicus)
  11. Sadly so. I just hope it doesn't put other studios off doing similar projects in future. I can't help but think a little more marketing wouldn't have gone amiss!
  12. Having kids and having been forced through Finding Dory, and The BFG (both of which I enjoyed btw), this is so much better. The story may have a couple of pacing issues at the odd point but really, so different, so beautiful!
  13. OK I'm not sure this film really should be here, but for a film so good that's really seems to have sunk like a brick I suspect at some point it will be referred to as a B movie. I watched this last night and although its a kids film (PG) it's not really for younger kids. Kubo and the Two Strings A young boy with a magical ability for origami and music goes on an incredible adventure with a snarky monkey and giant samurai beetle. I watched this last night and am still blown away by it, and I just can't do the story justice. Please watch the trailer
  14. Bubba Hotep An aging, penniless Elvis (Bruce Campbell) discovers that the undead mummy is sucking the life force out of some of his nursing homes other residents (through their ######), and someone needs to stop this! But this job is too much for even Elvis alone! So he calls on the help of another resident, JFK (Ossie Davis... the aliens changed his skin colour when they abducted him) to help put an end to its undead meadling. Wonderfully goofy and a story concept you've not come across before. I loved it, although I have got some friends who don't particularly like it.
  15. I was booking tickets for the final about a month back (for some odd reason my RU loving brother in law decided he's desperate for him and his mates to see the final) and it was difficult to get 6 together in the side sections. Good news though. A tournament with packed stadiums will go further to making the sport more attractive to sponsors than any league restructure.
  16. I think in the current climate SLE clubs can only afford better signings if they are older (25 is a decent age for a forward), or have some problems. We've lost so many players to NRL/RU over the last few years we definitely need a few new bodies in. Especially if Tomkins is leaving.
  17. Hi Mick I agree that most clubs are doing good work, but I think RL as a whole needs to be more expansive in its approach. With the exception of a few (Wigan of course being the most notable) I don't know of any clubs which I'd say are really pushing the boundaries of marketing and coming up with great new ideas. In an age or recession and austerity its much more difficult to get people to part with their money. There are some things, particularly with regards to clubs and senior players/members that I think we could take some ideas from RU. Like how hard would it be for every club to have senior touch RL team? I'm sure some retired players would run it a couple of evenings a week. Keep people involved with the club, and we could do what RU do can claim these are still active players. The thing is we can't just copy what other sports have done, we got to inovate and really push the boundaries to get more people involved. I honestly don't think just being as negative as Lobby helps.
  18. can you prove this or is it one big supposition? Can you show me an NL1 or 2 club that has tightened its links to its community, got its marketing spot on, is playing attractive football AND has significantly declining crowds?
  19. Lobby are you saying that if an NL1 (or 2) club got its marketing strategy bang on, with great links to the community, got it right on the pitch too and played an attractive brand of football that their crowds would still drop because they couldn't apply for SL for another 3 years?
  20. Hrmm 2nd post and its about Masonry not rugby... nevermind! I'm 35 now, about 10 years ago I was well in to my conspiracy theories, and believed in the masonry/illuminati connection, bilderberg running, well just about everything, alien abductions. Since then, and fortunately for my sanity I've become a skeptic and now whenever I see a ridiculous claim I have a quick look at the other side of the argument. The reason I'm bringing this up is because the freemasonrywatch website that was being held up earlier in the thread as some sort of authority on Freemasonry was part of that evolution. Basically the guy who writes that site has his own agenda and chip on his shoulder that probably weighs a tonne. If you want to see the other side of the argument I recommend the website MasonicInfo and it clearly shows that no Obama isn't a Mason. (would it really make any difference if he was?)
  21. Hi... Long time lurker on these boards but first time poster (love the site and all that) Lobby didn't you, more or less, predict the same thing at the last round of franchising? Mike
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