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Everything posted by dkw

  1. dkw


    They also have batshit mental owners who are happy to throw their coaches under the bus, so I don't think they are that good a proposition for a coach.
  2. He was excellent off the bench, all energy and effort, made good yards when near their own line and fighting to gain them.
  3. It was always going to be a penalty, Marshall turned it into a sinbin by diving head first. Welsby is another who does it, it's blatant cheating and needs penalised.
  4. Yates signing is looking a very good one, as expected. He's a superb addition to the Wire pack.
  5. Well, not throw himself forward onto the ground head first, it was blatant cheating.
  6. So the agreement clubs already are signed up to with the RFL covers it, an agreement where clubs aren't allowed to take on the RFL with a legal challenge? I'm sure I've seen somewhere it would be in breach of that agreement. Sorry to keep bugging you with this, I just don't see how a legal challenge is possible on something like this, unless it's outside the framework obviously.
  7. So what was it the clubs agreed to and "signed up" to? Are you saying there has been nothing they signed to? I find that hard to believe.
  8. They have agreed to the review, there has to be some form of sign up surely, or us it classed as being within the RL standard agreement? Either way, no legal challenge will be possible?
  9. So he thinks there will be legal challenges against something the clubs have signed a contract for? Unless decisions are made outside of the framework they signed up to then they will be wasting everyone's time.
  10. That still image shows why you should never base an opinion on one. The second image below shows he's raising his arm/ elbow into the defenders, it's not a "normal bump off " as you claim.
  11. Nope, not having it as a normal bump off at all, no idea how you can see it like that
  12. I don't think that's really workable, so many things can happen after the incident is missed. Its frustrating but unfortunately he's got away with it in game. He will almost certainly get a ban, which won't really help the giants.
  13. Harry was never RFL president, Tony Adams's was all based on links between the RFL and his charity Sporting chance.
  14. He already is, goes to plenty warrington games.
  15. I'm meaning "working" an injury more about bending knees, shoulders, elbows beyond the norm than running at a defenders injured side.
  16. Absolute nonsense, I guarantee this weekend there will be hardly any teams playing without a player carrying a knock/injury, and if teams know about it and run at him then fair enough. What those players shouldnt expect is an opposition coach telling his players to "work" that injury to get him off the pitch.
  17. We get it at Town matches, moaning about refs penalising us, when in reality our discipline is appalling and pretty much all penalties we give away are correct. Obviously refs will interpret slightly differently at times, but players know this, and will realise early on what they are going to penalise.
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