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Roughyed Rats

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Everything posted by Roughyed Rats

  1. The acquisition and plan at Oldham was put together well before the 'project' and it has no relevance whatsoever to what's happening at the club. The board have been very clear about that. They have also stated that, whilst they may not personally agree with the current process, they are prepared to work with it as best as possible whilst it's still in place.
  2. Don’t care about the score. It will be close. Just want the 2 points. Come on lads
  3. Massively but it takes time to arrest a 25 year managed decline.
  4. Spot on. Couldn’t give a monkey’s chuff about spreadsheet league. Just hoping for us to progress to the Championship and compete, whilst building up our community involvement and supporter base. If we can arrest 25 plus years of decline, then I for one will be happy with that.
  5. Yes. They said at a fans forum that they get a % of drinks, food and car parking.
  6. Interesting. All points towards him coming to Oldham. Great signing if it happens.
  7. He's a young halfback who was at Warrington (played for Sean Long on loan at Fev) but who is currently playing in Australia. Lots of clubs are after him but it's rumoured that we've signed him. Presumably as an Ellis replacement (assuming we allow his contract to run off this season).
  8. So did I. I'm sure it was openly talked about at the fans forum at Saddleworth. Great news either way.
  9. Heard for next season but potentially coming early like Dixon?
  10. Noticed that as well. Is anyone attending this morning?
  11. Any news from the press conference?
  12. I don't think maths is Fordy's strong point to be honest. He keeps talking about average crowds of 400 last season.
  13. Agree on Hirst and Moran. However, one of the main differences between the two sides last time was the mobility of the halves and edges. Personally, I'd start with Aldridge at hooker and stick with Wildie and Astley at halfback.
  14. Massive game this. Can’t afford a slow start. We will be out to put right what happened at theirs and I think we’ll do it. Come on lads.
  15. Not had a response to my email to young Kieran but I see there is now something on the new website.
  16. Agree with your comments. I think Tyrer has been exceptional this season and deserves to retain his place.
  17. Certainly out of left field. If that does come about, suggests our friend Herbie definitely has some inside knowledge.
  18. Roughyed Rats


    Dixon to full back and PLT to stand off is a good shout. Keeps speed and mobility in the halves. Also adds a proven goal kicker to the side in Dixon.
  19. Hornets offered him a contract but he turned it down to play for nothing on trial at Oldham. He backed himself to earn a contract and he's more than proven himself.
  20. Thanks Sheddings. States what the cost is but not the benefits? Any idea? Is it open to individuals or just businesses? I'll drop the young fella an email and if I find out will let you know.
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