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When will the Bears move back to BPA?


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Not this season unfortunately. Cov have told us that the pitch will not be ready until the end of our season.

It is a shame you cannot make it to Rugby as it's a very welcoming little ground.

We are trying to accommodate as many fans as we can and to that end is there anything we can do to help you get to a game?

It might be possible to get you a lift if that suits?

PM on this board if we can do anything to help.

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Ron Banks

Midlands Hurricanes and Barrow

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On 09/08/2019 at 12:25, Sammo said:

As in the title - when will the Bears move back to Butts Park? I’d like to get to a match but Rugby isn’t practical for me.

See above.

Ron Banks

Midlands Hurricanes and Barrow

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