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Kris Radlinski confirms options for season ticket holders

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Kris Radlinski, executive director, has announced the range of options available to 2020 season ticket holders, who are in credit due to games they will miss as a result of the current pandemic. For supporters who haven’t registered their email details with our ticketing system, here is the email he has sent to our season ticket holders this afternoon…

Dear valued season ticket holder,

With our long-awaited return to Betfred Super League action just a couple of days away, we would like to provide an update on the ongoing effects of Covid-19 and its implications to you and your season ticket.

With the prospect of having to play games behind closed doors now a reality, our team at Wigan Warriors have created a range of options we believe takes into consideration every supporter’s personal circumstances and that of the Club itself.

As you will have understood from our chairman’s last letter to you, the financial impact of season tickets is extremely important to the Club to survive and be competitive. If you are unsure about what to do at this point, but feel that you can afford to support this collective effort by committing to writing off this portion of your season ticket as a donation, this will make a massive difference in overcoming the challenges that we face.

I’d like to take this opportunity to thank all of our fans for their patience and goodwill as we’ve looked to navigate what has been an unprecedented process. It has been heartwarming to see the number of supporters who have gone out of their way to contact the Club and offer their feedback on how they would like us to proceed in light of the games that have been lost from each season ticket, with a very pleasing majority expressing a desire to donate the hard-earned money to the Club they love.

However, we recognise that this has been a challenging times for many fans and their families, so we are also able to make options for deferrals or refunds available, if you feel that this is the best situation to suit your own personal circumstances.

The confirmed options from which to choose are as follows:

  1. Opt to donate the value of any games lost to the club; either as a direct donation or by having the value converted into the equivalent number of entries into our weekly Lotto draw that does so much to support our world famous youth development and Academy structure. For every fan that takes up this option, we will include your name on a permanent Fan Wall at Robin Park Arena, so that every time our players arrive to train, they can see how many supporters decided to go above and beyond for their Club at a time when we needed you more than ever.
  2. Use the equivalent value of any games lost as credit against your next season ticket*.
  3. Claim a refund to the value of the games lost.

The process for you to let us know your decision is scheduled to go live next Wednesday (12th August), so we will send you a further email that day to explain the basic information we will need from you to process your request as swiftly and efficiently as possible. The window of opportunity to let us know your answer will be open from Wednesday through to the end of August.

We hope that our supporters will find this a fair and equitable system and trust that the timescales we propose will be acceptable to the vast majority of supporters. For those opting for the Lotto-based donation, credit towards a future season ticket or claiming a refund, the relevant value owed to you in each form will be calculated and processed once we know the total number of games that have been cancelled or played behind closed doors.

Thank you for your support. It remains as crucial to us now as it has ever been.

Kris Radlinski, Executive Director

P.S. The access to live streaming of our August games via OurLeague, which we sent to you yesterday by email, is available to all season ticket holders, regardless of which option you choose – let’s hope we enjoy watching some fantastic games in the coming weeks.

*Valid for seasons 2021 and 2022.

The post Kris Radlinski confirms options for season ticket holders appeared first on Wigan Warriors Blog.

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