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  1. BSJ I agree with your well structured comments. I personally understand why any owner would be and IMHO should be reluctant to put in (I won’t call it invest) high amounts of cash during these uncertain times. What troubles me is that the players are copping for it from SOME supporters when in reality they never stood a chance. There is a bigger picture to all this has you have correctly alluded to. The squad was never ever going to be good enough to compete at that level. Despite IMG etc some clubs have still managed to put money in. Yes I know that does not mean Dewsbury have to and I get the remaining financially stable as a club scenario. However as long as it is acknowledged that such an approach generally has competing sporting consequences hence one win all season so far.
  2. Understand what you are saying WR. That was just a small example. League 1 and the Championship are polls apart IMHO. So picture this. Next season the wins come in within what is basically a pub League. Team is probably better funded or at least on a par. Supporters cartwheeling in the misguided perception of having a good team with good players! Wrong. A totally different nowhere near as competitive league. The players needed help this season to have anywhere near a chance of competing in this tough uncompromising Championship. The help was not there. Supporters spouting off about it being the worst team ever etc. It may be but it is not the players fault. They were never backed!
  3. No worries and I fully understand/respect your response. Also no I definitely was not trying to get you banned I promise . Ok then. If a strange man approaches v Sheffield at home don’t be surprised.
  4. Coolie I have just read your comments on the Dewsbury Rams Barmy Army Facebook site but I am not and never have been or will be a member of any Facebook site. Therefore rather than me starting a new thread on here I have just tagged on to one of your latest replies i.e this one. You mention quite rightly this season being poor and quite rightly backing PM next season etc. What I am interested to know is your thoughts regarding this season. As an example do you think the collective group of players are class and simply being lazy/not trying? Or do you think that they were never given a financial supporting chance etc with early turmoil going on behind the scenes? Next year in League 1 may produce some wins and happy clapping but is that what you and the club aspire to? Against Barrow at home I was informed that Amber Ribbon had recently offered £30-000 to assist with some late player recruitment and it was turned down.The answer being “We don’t need it this year”. So all round this season the squad have been left without a paddle. IMHO the players are not to blame this season. You are a very committed Dewsbury Rams man. What are your honest no holds barred thoughts please?
  5. Watched full coverage today. Their captain Newton performed a terrible cannonball tackle on Graham in the second half. No place in the game for that. Their own commentator Jordan Weir even called it out.
  6. Terrible cannonball tackle by Newton on Dewsbury player Graham. No place in the game for that as called out by your very own Jordan Weir.
  7. Watched coverage of game today commentator being Jordan Weir associated with Haven. Terrible cannonball tackle by Newton on Dewsbury player Graham as called out by Weir. No place in the game for that.
  8. Agree and they were the better team until they imploded.
  9. Genuinely forgive me but I couldn’t help but chuckle when you mentioned Batley’s website. Who gives a shino about Batley’s website? It’s like wife catching me out and me responding by saying “Yeah but have seen what our neighbour Frank gets up to”?
  10. LeeF I am in no way doubting your account. On the point of once the game has started. A few years ago I was watching a BARLA cup game between a Wakefield and Castleford based team. I won’t name them. The Castleford team had five players shown a red card during the game by the Referee leaving them with 8 players. The ref then blew his whistle immediately after the fifth sending off and well before time.
  11. Agreed. Had some decent contracts with very little return. Now or never for me going forward.
  12. I think Widnes will finish second from bottom and go down.
  13. JT and DP have the same agent SMTMUK. Same as a few others like Luke Gale etc. It’s just a job for the boys merry go round. I have nothing whatsoever against JT. Good short kicking game no long kicking game. But the truth is albeit due to injuries he has done nothing during the past 3-4 seasons. A previous bad back injury at such a young age never ends well. This is a big gamble and I only up the contract contains a lot of i and t’s in it.
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