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Everything posted by Futtocks

  1. One sloppy handover in the women's 4x100 might have lost another gold. Lots of "what if" stuff, but it did mean we were genuinely in the running for a win, rather than bringing up the rear. I'd rather that than "happy to be here" pluckiness.
  2. There'd have probably been an extra velodrome medal in the women's Omnium if the GB rider hadn't crashed in the first race and lost so many points she never could have got to the podium. That's a genuine bad luck occurrence.
  3. Welcome news for viewers of a certain vintage.
  4. I think, given the number of WNRL viewers and poster this forum has, we could just have a catch-all thread for the remainder of the season. Maybe a special one for the GF. Anyhoo, having an evening match each round is great for us in the UK time zone and the action I've seen has been good. I notice that some Olympic RU Sevens players are already signed up to WNRL clubs. It is remarkably soon after their Paris exploits, so maybe more will come across in the longer term.
  5. Sky's implementation and messaging does seem to have been a bit off for such a professional organisation. It's an odd world where those of us who were early adopters of a system run by Rugby League are getting a better service than the one run by the global mega-corporation.
  6. It's the difference between watching the game with one eye or two. In more than one meaning.
  7. Poetry and Town Planning have been Olympic events in the past. Some sports get their chance and really become favourites, while some fall by the wayside. I'd certainly bring back Tug of War - if you've ever seen it at international level, it's a pretty decent watch and doesn't need a large or specialised venue.
  8. I'm going to watch the original as soon as I have time (i.e. once the Olympics are done).
  9. But long-term retention and future take-up will rely on the new streaming service being 1. any good at all and 2. worth the money.
  10. Seriously, keep us updated. Something similar could happen to any of us, so sharing the experience could be valuable.
  11. Most of the action has been near Leeds' try line, but they've been defending with lots of spirit.
  12. Newman finishes off a great move to open the scoring... assuming the VR gives it.
  13. A bonus to be appreciated while it lasted and a gateway drug to encourage full subs. It'll be interesting to see how this switch pays off in the balance between people taking up the full subscription, those staying with what they have and those ditching it altogether in disgust. Or, of course, some moving to SL+ and Sky getting a smaller cut. But the real numbers Sky will be sweating over will be Football's.
  14. This trailer for Heavier Trip: Road to Wacken just turned up on YouTube. Could be interesting, in a "Spinal Tap directed by Aki Kaurismakii" sort of way.
  15. I have a slower than average broadband connection*, and the picture quality's better than SDTV on it. Of course, image quality can go down when the bandwidth is under high demand. I've only had buffering when things are really poor at my end. That's the same with most streams - I am currently experiencing varying picture quality while catching up a game on WatchNRL from earlier today. *It averages less than 10Mbps on https://www.speedtest.btwholesale.com
  16. An Australian breakdance competitor in action. Or possibly having some kind of fit. Either way, it's a distressing sight,
  17. If the internet's taught us anything, it's to turn up with a wad of photocopied gibberish and shout about Magna Carta 'til they chuck you out.
  18. Parramatta 34:36 Penrith at the final hooter. Champion sides refuse to lose.
  19. Gutho's penalty kick to level the scores again... misses by a mile.
  20. Cleary's conversion gives the champions the lead. Astonishingly quick comeback.
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