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Everything posted by BJW

  1. Apparently was discussed but that would have meant Skolars having 2 home games between start of season and beginning of June!
  2. Apparently Skolars v Dewsbury rearranged for April 29th. Without that they'd have had 2 home games until start of June!
  3. See it says closing date is 20 June. Is that 2023 or have we missed it and it was 2022?
  4. Wilkin told us all they were female vikings. They were not, they were the servants of Odin who gathered up fallen warriors and transported them to Valhalla and when not doing that were serving those in Valhalla with mead. They were not warriors. A female viking was a shieldmaiden. The Amazons are from Greek mythology and were warriors. The Valkyrie from Norse.
  5. You needed to have been watching the chat after the Hull KR/Leeds game on Friday night when they were discussing the upcoming women's game. (Leeds Rhinos v York Valkyrie)
  6. Never seen anybody so happy at giving the wrong answer to what one was! Odin should enlighten him! Now can he tell us what a shieldmaiden was?
  7. Lezignan discipline was atrocious. When they played rugby, looked like they could win, especially scoring when it was 13 v 11 but threw it away by their actions.
  8. FFR XIII site is saying Ferrals beat Pia! Was wondering! https://www.ffr13.fr/competitions/coupes-de-france/coupe-lord-derby/
  9. Yes his point is valid but are you saying mine is not? Both sides had players making a step up, and unfortunately (for Skolars) Workington had some handling it better.
  10. And Skolars also had a number of new players who were making a step up in level.
  11. 4-5 Feb. Though just realised it may have been blank weekend
  12. Anybody any idea of this weekends scores? Not on FFR XIII site nor Flashscore.
  13. They've been on that side past couple of years as HAC been working on cricket pitch and/or drainage and didn't want anybody near it.
  14. Why would the athletics facilities have to go? Sheffield was happily accepted with the running track? Midlands with their SL ambitions have just had approval to move to an athletics stadium? As for the local council, handle with care is all I'll say and mention the rugby pitches across the road and how they handled their running!
  15. Followed their results from the days when Dave Ellis was coach (first time round) and they're not in a good place.
  16. Villeneuve lucky to score 0! Think they had one opportunity on opposing try line all game. Though how ref could give one of Limoux tries in second half bemuses me?
  17. Email received to day that "Some items in your order are on the way"! Ordered 10 December so looks like I'm luckier than some on here who ordered before me.
  18. Hence why I said "Appreciate online footage is essentially club's own footage and broadcast online as bonus but maybe they could consider where to film from ". Few years since I've been to some of the stadiums and see Toulouse have demolished stand and Avignon back at Parc des Sports instead of St Ruf. However, temporary scaffolding or hoist not beyond the realms of possibility at grounds? Even a cherry picker on the back of a van?
  19. Appreciate online footage is essentially club's own footage and broadcast online as bonus but maybe they could consider where to film from to 'enhance' crowd for any footage they or FFR XIII send out to potential sponsors etc? Realise 'geography' of stadiums does not always make this possible due to location of video gantry, power sources, cover etc but might be worth suggesting to clubs? Even to casual viewer bums on seats looks far better than empty stand? Remember when London played at Brentford and SKY footage nearly always showed opposite stand empty? Oddly Micron footage filmed from other side showed other stand where seated spectators were located.
  20. If you remember the Pathe Sport coverage, they used to put everybody in the stand opposite the cameras to help 'improve' the crowd for television!
  21. Result. Left site linked to via email from RFL and logged into my Our League account and process ran smoothly (apart from them wanting £4.95 to post me tickets! That on top of £1 admin fee!) so booked. My gripe is that if RFL is sending this email out to people without Our League account and they have similar issues, 1, How many potential sales have they lost? and 2 How does it make the RFL look to any outside party?
  22. Anybody else having problems with this site? Click on ticket selection, tells me ticket will be held for couple of minutes then get spinning circle of doom as ticket times out! Have tried on both Chromebook and iPhone, same result. Now giving up till tomorrow to try again but if same result then that's sales lost to RFL. Will stay home and watch on telly instead.
  23. Would have preferred play the ball backwards rather than backheel but know what you mean. Yes you can legitimately knock the ball forward, prime example being if you charge the ball down from a kick in open play. Maybe a technicality but have to tell causal viewer they're normally not allowed to project the ball forward.
  24. No I will not be changing my opinion. BTW, you do not backheel the ball to anyone, you are coached to play it with the flat of the foot as using the heel gives far less control. You can kick the ball forward and in a couple of moves, knock the ball forward. As for soccer, I'm sure even the casual observer knows the difference between a goalkeeper, a striker and a defender? Perhaps they need to go back to for M and W formation? I appreciate your point of view, though it seems we're travelling in circles so leave you to hold your views and me to have mine and thanks for raising the points you did.
  25. But you did accuse my team of playing the other code with no hesitation! Odd how many teams I saw last season with no players names on shirts, must have been over half of that division playing 13 a side union then, oddly enough with RFL appointed referees. It matters as you'd hope they wanted to be educated about the game and try to find out the specialisms of who does what. If they just want to enjoy the spectacle then fine.
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