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Everything posted by Bleep1673

  1. My father gave me "Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep", to read when I was about 11/12 & it blew my mind, long before Blade Runner.
  2. Just been on an on line quiz, to discover Norwich City have been promoted and relegated more times to the Premier League than any other club, 5x Promoted, 5x Relegated. Good Luck Canaries in 21/22
  3. I know I am the champion of stupid questions, but do Football clubs have the same rules about supplying hospitality as Rugby does? ie, do they have to supply a meal after a match & refreshments? And as the hotel industry are closed down, what time will Sunderland get home after travelling to Plymouth over the weekend, that is one hell of a round trip if they have to call at KFC on the way back, or motorway services!
  4. I showed my 12 year old Akira Kurowsaki's "Seven Samurai" at the weekend, and went off half way through it to do our fish curry, she was very quiet, and I thought she had fallen asleep, but when I returned to the living room, she said to me, "Touch the TV and you are dead". She sat through the entire film in one sitting.
  5. That was on TV this morning, as part of the Dom actually does something for a living, type TV show, where he helps/restricts the worker at Dulls Bus stations mis-management. They actually put subtitles on screen for the Stagecoach workers.
  6. That explains the East Sussex Fire engines relentlesly running up and down the sea-front with seemingly nothing to do but sound off the sirens.
  7. It was the number of the hospital pager I was carrying when I signed up to this site. Or as we called them, Bleeps. So Bleep1673, for confidentiality I refuse to reveal which hospital I was working at.
  8. OK, as you want to push it, an I am sure there are other posters on here who have the same name, my Serf Name is Hesketh.
  9. Ah, Vikings are still on here. My Surname, which I hate the word of Surname, which is Norman -Serf Name- is derived from a Viking name, meaning Horse Course, or Horse Carer, and my Grandfather used to be an Ostler for a Brewery on Chapel Street. Although my daughter has an Hawaiian First name, she has a Viking middle name, and MY SURNAME.
  10. My Grandad was called Hugh, and was born in Everton in 1904, by the Census (which I hope you all filled in the 2021 version), in 1911, he was living in a three bedroom house in Pendleton, with an Uncle Hugh (&Auntie), a Grandad Hugh (& Grandma), and 5 Cousins, one of whom was called Hugh. 10 in a 3 bed house, with only an outside toilet, or any running hot water. I sat and re-read that, and it made me wonder how my Dad went from a derelict street in Northern Salford, to a lovely semi-detached house in a quiet bit of Seedley (Until Wednesday).
  11. I had heard Ajax, but now that seems coincidentally good for both parties.
  12. Well he missed that chance too. Where next for The Special One? Grimsby?
  13. Not from where I am, but from where I grew up, a 17 year old was stabbed in Peveril Road, Salford and later died in Hospital. It used to be a quiet road, with nice semi detached houses.
  14. Both with silly hair cuts. https://buckrogers.fandom.com/wiki/Twiki https://costumewall.com/dress-like-cousin-it/ Like I felt this morning before the trim.
  15. For those of us of a certain age, will find this funny, maybe..... I found this at the weekend, my daughter was non-plussed, she had no idea
  16. I am a Republican, but Phillip of Greece has done a lot in his 99 years, and I admire him for that. His Duke of Edinburgh scheme will be his legacy for years to come, alongside Baden-Powells Scout movement.
  17. Is this a political thread? Because I am banned from that. It tells me I need to post 100 comments, which I have.
  18. Well it takes away the 20 minutes the News devotes to the daily Coronavirus depressing BS.
  19. I was watching Quest, here in the UK, and the blanked the adverts and said there is an important news bulletin on BBC News, I have never seen a blatant channel diversion like this so I turned over. I am not a Royalist, in fact I have said before on here I am a Republican, but my thoughts got out to the Queen and her Family.
  20. I recently, because of circumstances, have been in touch with a local charity, trying to help rehouse me, and they arranged food boxes to be delivered to my door, they have included 3x Pataks Tikka Masarla 3 part curry kits. 4x 750g boxes of Kellogs Corn Flakes, 8 litres of UHT milk (4x 2l), 18 eggs, 10 tins of Baked beans, loads of pasta, tomato sauce, 120 tea bags probably as much Custard Creams, etc, etc., in 4 deliveries. I love free food, but I have nowhere to store it. When they rang me up on Monday, asking when I wanted my next delivery, I politely asked them to hold it. Some of it was well below the sell by date, some +/- a couple of days, and some, like some of the eggs, well beyond. I wouldn't even trust some of the eggs to my ex-wife. I did get a shed load of those bake-at-home baguettes that I like, although, where do I store them?
  21. I lifted the crust on one of their "Increased Meat" Chicken Pies last month, and found two thumb sized bits of chicken. I too used to think these were a treat, along with Pot Noodles, and Vesta meals.
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