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Everything posted by WakefieldCityLoyal

  1. We had no or little SL money in our first 2 years in SL and still stayed up, I can’t recall us finishing 2nd bottom. Up the Trin
  2. I was hoping the Warrington performance was the start of an upturn in fortunes but sadly we returned to type this evening. We are a poor side lacking any idea and fitness. Thing is the standard of SL is that poor this season it wouldn’t take much to have at least a mid table finish. Up the Trin
  3. Big fat Sam would get them motivated at Belle Vue not much fun supporting LUFC and Wakefield Trinity at the moment. Up the Trin
  4. The King of Wakefield, come back and help us get promoted next season. Up the Trin
  5. Hope you are right but in the 40 years I’ve supported the mighty Trin there’s always a consortium rumoured to be interested in taking over once the owners step down and they never do. Up the Trin
  6. Unfortunately we don’t have last season’s team, they have been replaced by players not good enough. The standard of Rugby in SL is that poor at the moment that if we’d have had last seasons team we’d be safe by now. Up the Trin
  7. Not as worried compared to a few years ago before ground situation improved. A lot depends on IMG scoring criteria. Up the Trin
  8. Don’t think any of the injured players are back. Last chance saloon was our pre season lack of recruitment. Can’t see us winning we’ll be lucky to score. Up the Trin
  9. You’re right I’ll be moving from North Stand to East Stand having been going down Belle Vue for years it’s about time I experienced good facilities, a lot of people I know are saying the same. Up the Trin
  10. Think the tv gantry will still be western terrace. The block in middle is new east stand is corporate I think. The new stand looks excellent. Up the Trin
  11. It’s an interesting one, he’s a well respected academy coach and everyone in the know seems to speak well off him. It was only going to go 2 ways start well and it’s masterstroke of an appointment good young English coach given a chance in SL. Or as is the case start poorly and he’s classed as a rubbish inexperienced coach. He’s had no luck at all start of this season, in my opinion our first choice 13 could stand a chance but after that we’re not good enough and we been decimated with injuries from the start of the season but still could have won 3/4 of them games. Last point on do we keep with and start to rebuild for promotion next season or gamble on bringing someone new in to try and keep us up this season. This is the interesting part and I wonder if the new IMG proposal’s effect the board’s decisions making. Up the Trin
  12. Can’t knock the commitment just not good enough, need more quality going forward and we’d have won just like another 3-4 occasions this season. Up the Trin
  13. Stupid mistakes when we have the ball, tired in that second half. First half was as ok. Hopefully no injuries and start getting players back. Up the Trin
  14. Rumour is we might have at least 6 of the injured back for next weeks game. Damage limitation and no injuries or suspension tonight. Up the Trin
  15. We won there in September and should have beat the at home if it wasn’t for a dodgy drop goal. Up the Trin
  16. Of course we have an academy a very successful one, we had some filling in last week for the first team. If you’re on about Senior is he still academy player? Up the Trin
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