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Harry Stottle

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Everything posted by Harry Stottle

  1. Solution: Just ban all cameras telecasts and commentators and get back to one ref and two touch judges, it worked for a very long time when we could read about it in the press and listen to those who witnessed it at the ground, we wouldn't have as many armchair experts either.
  2. And for those who don't know, if the TJ thinks it is a try he stands goal line of the corner flag, If TJ thinks it is no try he stands field side of the corner flag.
  3. That was the talk on quite a few podcasts I listened to, if it was tight and came down to goal kicks Warrington win, one Commentator even said Wire should have a seat on the coach just for Thewlis's boots ! Hell of a game, pity a controversial try is the deciding factor, just get rid of either the refs on field call or the VR and just have one make the decision, and if it is the VR instruct the TV companies not to show replays of the incident.
  4. This is something I have been saying for a long time Hopie, and when the 'closed shop' comes along in our 'new system' which it definitely will that will just exasserbate the situation, last time the RFL were fearful and could see what was happening in the Championship and how the fans of those clubs were drifting away so they brought in the 8's. A closed shop won't only effect the clubs in those towns if interest wains in the local pro club, it will also be all the infrastructure of the game in those places. Then further down the line the player conveyor belt dries up, for everyone.
  5. There is a serious lack of money in the sport Giant, we really are impoverished by any standards.
  6. Thanks for that, yes I have read all you have put in this thread but only asked you the question re your point of 'small town' and then 'small Super League Clubs' finally those SL clubs who want 'Catalan out of Super League'. Only point 4 comes anywhere near answering my questions to your statement. I haven't contradicted or questioned anything else you have decided to emphasise here. You have wasted your time slicing the salami, no more than point 4 was relevant to our discussion. But thanks anyway, I can see how this topic irks you, but you don't need to swing out at everybody.
  7. How bloody pompous, isn't this a debating site you tell us your thoughts and I ask why, just back up your statements if they have any relevance, you made them and no I don't know what you mean that is why I asked for clarification. You have sliced nothing to death, just headline points.
  8. So when as the reduction in the TV deal been effected by none attractive games, and if so who's fault is it that games were not as attractive that in 3 years we have dropped from 40M to 21M per season. So this season has by all reports been very good there was some excellent games as was last season with points difference separating the top 3 clubs, will that go a long way to an uplift in the contract value?
  9. Hi fulture man, as I alluded to earlier it may not be just a club taking 'a team' to France every year there could be multiple times a club may have to visit France and if *Toulouse make it to SL that would be compounded, I honestly think that this is what is concerning some clubs, and rightly or wrongly want it sorting before next season commences. *Surely the League would have to have the same conditions for both French clubs either pay travelling teams costs or not, apparently when Toulouse were in SL they paid for the travelling teams - as advised by Mr Guasch in the opening link - although seemingly Catalans did not.
  10. Albeit I know naff all about football, I get the jist of you post.
  11. Thank you Eddie, so there is one barrier multiplied by 11 clubs making it multiple. I couldn't think of any other barriers you could be referring to.
  12. So I ask who have you got in mind of the small town clubs in England. Then you subtly change your question/answer to 'small Super League clubs', and then compound it with 'who would like Catalans out of the League'. Well no, I can't name them, firstly I don't know what constitutes to you a small town club, is it one with a population <50K, <100K <150K or even <200K? And which clubs do you knowingly would like Catalans out of the league, I have only ever heard of two clubs who have voiced an opinion about Catalans presence that being Huddersfield and St Helens albeit not for a couple or 3 years. So just for Clarity Worzel, could you please be a little more specific and name names, is it just the 'small Super League clubs' or the ones 'who would like Catalans out of the league' or a combination of both. PS, there will be one poster who thinks I should not be asking questions, but before he does let me just say this is a conversation between the two of us.
  14. Perhaps they could do a Toronto and put the players and staff in a school dorm?
  15. Please explain what these multiple barriers are Eddie?
  16. Yes quite, I didn't think that was correct then and still don't think it is correct today, I have never been an advocate of protecting any team that plays in the same league and scores less points on a league ladder, as I argued on these pages prior to IMG getting on board and there were those who were calling for Toulouse and Catalan to be protected whilst still operating a P&R system for the other 10 SL clubs, complete total stupidity in my opinion.
  17. I shouldn't think so but don't forget he is a madman, lots of people will happily confirm who pen these pages.
  18. True, but we weren't in this system, being relegated from 11th wasn't that when we were in the 8's? Happy to be corrected. If it was the 8's that was a much more transparent system, we could see it unfolding on the field of play, and everyone new the consequences of losing games.
  19. Then could there be another legal challenge, this getting more interesting all the time.
  20. Quote:- When the decision was announced, Catalans’ owner Bernard Guasch responded by admitting the club “had to put something in the pot” because of a failure to realise any funds from television rights in France. He added, “I understand this situation. We have to find a solution because it will handicap us financially, as it handicapped Toulouse during their year in the Super League.” First question why should it cost more to pay for SL clubs to go there to France than to pay for Championship clubs to go, Toulouse have been paying the travel costs for a good number of years now. Secondly, no one has mentioned that it could be more than just one trip for any unlucky SL club(s), with the normal home /away fixture, loop fixture, and it could also be plus a Challenge Cup tie and Play Off Fixture and that could be compounded if Toulouse make SL. Thirdly, how much does everyone think like I do that this is pressure being put on Rohdri Lloydd and his team by SL clubs for the lack of obtaining a better TV contract, the clubs are now substantially down (800k per season) on what they were recieving just 3 years ago, this present contract finishes at the end of 2026 do they have any confidence that RL Com will when around the negotiating table with Sky get it increased then? Just a thought.
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