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ATLANTISMAN last won the day on December 27 2023

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  1. Sometimes the truth hurts Harry BTW the total rl podcast with DB was brilliant more common sense in that than in a long time. Credit where credit is due especially liked the idea of a Magic Nines to replace what we currently have. P
  2. Just seen on my LinkedIn that the RFL CEO PA (Formerly RR one) who was made redundant last week has been appointed by Derek B as his new assistant. Nice bit of work there:) like it
  3. Now let's talk about 0.25% for 3 sided LED. 3 clubs are lucky they can use Football Clubs Systems Hull FC/Huddersfield/Wigan/ 1 has also 3 sided Leigh 2 clubs have 4 sided Dragons/Leeds 4 have 1 side Hull KR/Warrington/Salford/London 1 has a small system 80m St Helens 1 has non Castleford Current cost of a new system is arround 400K (200K just behind the goals) Everything is made in China current waiting time (Money up front) 10 weeks minimum I would also add that due to SKY new football deal with loads of marches from League 1 and League 2 being televised there is a scramble for second hand systems with prices tripling.
  4. Have it on good authority Huyton are back IN :l) Thats Liverpool sorted. Now where is my Geoff Fletcher wig:))((
  5. The way forward IMHO for what it's worth (And everyone knows i am a big supporter of French Rugby League) is that its imperative that we fish where the fish are and start supporting traditional clubs that have fallen on harder times. Oldham is a prime example London is important and needs to be nurtured for development as there is so much talent there,but as for where the Broncos play Kent (Ebbsfleet) would be a far better long term option. Rugby League needs to use the England brand to expand the game, we now have 8 test March playing nations that would attract good crowds outside of the heartlands if promoted right.Lets be honest RL fans only turn up for Australia and New Zealand thats it put England v France on in let's say Plymouth and the potential to draw a crowd is 5 times more than Leigh/Warrington wherever up north. After which if someone starts an amateur team its a win win. With France the ONLY reason the Dragons kicked on was because of the tradition of rugby league in Perpignan if it would have been planted there forget it. We are at a crossroads right now the NRL will either come in and start a new league with maybe 2 French clubs and one far out franchise or we have simple promotion and relegation as now. My opinion for what is worth is * NRL will come in for a 10/12 team league and if they do that will include 2 teams in France London and one off the wall franchise. * Winning Championship club can apply to join as the league should always look to increase initially. * England brand used for promotion of the game * Sky OUT internal streaming channel with one match FTA to drive subscribers. P
  6. No they didn't officially it was all talk the RFL were told it would be a massive blow to French Elite 1
  7. Toulouse is a rugby city however Stade Toulousian are just to strong for a second team. Carcassonne would be the place iMHO
  8. Might be the last time the Dragons ever visit Castleford so would be nice to get a win:)
  9. The sooner SKY sort out the commentary the better in reality it's amateur hour. We seem to have just gone backwards and to think fans complained about Eddy and Stevo Next we will have whippet racing at half time.
  10. Apparently clubs not happy as another bill has been presented for 450K.
  11. Waiting to hear back from the federation heard nothing since the presentation back in Toulouse the day before the England match. The clock is ticking and now its holidays.
  12. What SL have done to Catalans is basically reducing their SKY monies to 50% or even less. There is a hard core of clubs that don't want them i would say now 5. Anyway if the NRL make the move then it's game on
  13. Just munched my way though 2 packets of Red Leicester cheesy biscuits sadly though cannot find the Branston pickle ones anywhere now
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