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    Dewsbury Rams & long distance travel

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  1. We have no chance of doing the double and I’m afraid I shall be sitting this one out
  2. Indeed BSJ. The lack of Dewsbury fans is really worrying and for the first time in many a year I am starting to wonder if we will have. a team to follow for much longer. Was there more than 200 Rams fans there on Sunday
  3. Well, I enjoyed it. We never gave in and it could have gone either way and that’s all I ask. Not sure what the Rams Derby and Joan Club is but if it means that I enjoyed the performances of both Sykes and Fergie then I’m very pleased to be a member of said club
  4. It definitely went wide of the posts. No question.
  5. Agree. Felt for the lads today. No lack of effort and could easily have won with a bit of luck. Had Syksey stated on I think we would have done it. Shame about the failed interception on their last tackle. Gave them 6 more tackles from which they scored. Onwards and upwards hopefully
  6. I agree but what’s that famous saying? It’s the hope that kills you. Until the effort against Bradford I didn’t think we’d win again but if we play like we did last week we have a shout.
  7. I’m saying you charge what you think people will pay. We’ve discussed it on here many times and I think the majority believe that on balance £20 is the best option. I was merely agreeing with the Donny fan who felt it was a tad high. Maybe a discount if you book in advance would be an option?
  8. Agree and I’d pay the £20 but many thousands in Dewsbury won’t. I’d say check our gates, but they’re not released anymore for some reason.
  9. You’ve missed the point. As you say yourself it’s a bigger event, bigger crowd and longer duration but we are charging more. BTW £19 will get you any seat at Headingley. There are no more expensive seats.
  10. You can watch three hours of t20 cricket at Headingley for £19 amd they have bigger bills than us to pay.
  11. Who cares but it def decreases ours. I rate him and if we played him at FB where he belongs he could still do a good job for us.
  12. It’s def too much for a 80 min game at championship level and I’ve been saying so for yonks but what do I know.
  13. Wasn’t missed. Thought Hookem and Sykes did ok.
  14. Agree with all comments so far. So much better than last few weeks and the lads never gave up against a stupidly massive team. Thought whole team deserved the mom. Everyone gave 100% on a very difficult day. Pity ref didn’t allow us that last minute effort as the score would have looked so much better. That Pele is massive and will be a hit with the fans but he’s about as fit as a Shaw Cross newbie. What a waste of brass.
  15. I’ll go 6-68 and be very pleased to be proved wrong.
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