The Leeds legend on club sandwiches, Coors Light and Carl Ablett…
This article originally appeared in the latest edition of Rugby League World magazine. Click here to download the digital version to your computer, smartphone or tablet
What would your last meal on Earth be?
I’d have club sandwich with a curly fries upgrade from Trio, a restaurant in Headingley. I’ve been asked that a few times and I always say this. It’s my favourite meal, very simple. I’m a simple guy you see. I’d wash it down with a pint of Coca-Cola.
What song do you listen to more than any other?
“Man in the Mirror” by Michael Jackson. I’m his biggest fan. I was absolutely gutted when he died. I was supposed to be going to one of his concerts; I had VIP tickets and everything. Me and my missus were going and I paid £1,500 for the tickets. I got the money back, thankfully.
Which superpower would you most like to have?
Flight. I’d probably go to Florida. I love it over there; we’ve got a villa in Davenport, about 10 minutes from Disneyland.
If you could become any animal, what would you be?
A dog, a rough collie.
What year would you go to in a time machine?
I’d go back to the day I was born and watch myself. (Quickly changes his mind). No I wouldn’t watch myself! I’d see what it was like just after I was born.
What do you think you would see if you went 20 years into the future and found yourself?
I would be definitely be short still! Fat. Bald. Short, fat and bald – a lot to look forward to!
What scares you more than anything?
I don’t like snakes or rats. They’re horrible. If I saw a rat I would run off.
It’s my round, what are you drinking?
I’m not a massive drinker but if I’m having a beer it’s a Coors Light. Me and Carl Ablett drink it. I like the blue mountain on the can that tells you when it’s cold and the adverts with Jean-Claude Van Damme.
Do you have any superstitions?
On game day I get to the ground before anyone else. If we are meeting at half six, I get there about five. It’s about the routine really – if I got there late it wouldn’t be the end of the world. I’m early for most things and I’m never late. I don’t like to be late.
What is your favourite TV programme?
Recently I enjoyed “Luther”, but I’m watching “Sons of Anarchy” at the minute and it’s brilliant. A couple of lads watch it with me, Brad Singleton and Mitch Achurch. But “Luther” is the best programme I’ve watched in a long time.
What is your all-time favourite film?
I’ll give you a top three off the top of my head: “Shawshank Redemption”, “Anchorman”, and probably “Manchurian Candidate”.
Dogs or cats?
Dogs, I used to have one like Lassie when I was a kid – a rough collie. I had one all my life growing up. I don’t have one now because my wife has never had one, but it’s probably for the best as I’d have to walk it!
Curry or chinese?
Chinese. I like beef in black bean sauce or chicken foo yung. I like curries too, but I only have a korma. I’m a beginner in most cuisines.
Are you tidy or messy?
Messy, but I’m getting better. I was quite bad as a kid but my wife has trained me well. I’m always leaving clothes on the floor.
What was your first car like?
It was a Vauxhall Corsa SXi, brand new, can’t remember the year. It will have been around 1998. It was silver, with a 1.2 engine and fairly quick. I have a BMW X3 now and a Kia Sportage. We had an Audi TT last year but with having the little one I had to get rid of it.
Who is your favourite fictional character?
I’m a fan of David Brent (Ricky Gervais’ character in “The Office”) but it’s got to be Ron Burgundy (Will Ferrell’s character in “Anchorman”) hasn’t it? I like Lloyd Christmas (Jim Carrey’s character in “Dumb and Dumber”), too. Jim Carrey’s characters in the 90s were the best.
What is the greatest moment of your life?
The birth of my daughter, who is two years old now. It was a weird experience for me; I wasn’t that well the night before. It was unbelievable. It’s the hardest but the best thing you can ever do. I didn’t cry.
Who is your best friend in the game?
Carl Ablett. I get on with most people but he’s who I see most in my spare time. My missus and his missus get on well, they’ve got a couple of kids and we’ve been to Florida together. We go away a lot actually. We coach together too.
Who is the funniest RL player you know?
Chris Clarkson is funny, but he isn’t the funniest I know. Ben Westwood is a laugh, too. One of the funniest people I’ve met, though, is Nick Fozzard. He is very dry. When we were in the GB squad together I was very young and he made me laugh loads.
Which pro has the worst dress sense?
Ryan Hall. He wears Ugg boots. Disgusting. Absolutely disgusting.
Do you have any guilty pleasures?
I like a can of Coca-Cola. Too much. If I go out I’d rather have a pint of coke than a pint of beer.
What’s your most embarrassing moment?
Again, I’m boring, but there is one thing that sticks out that I remembered the other day actually. I was at Freeport in Castleford (a shopping park) and I went to Subway. There was a lad sat on his own, it was my mate, so I crept up beside him and whacked him on the side of the head. It wasn’t a proper punch but a jab and he turned around straight away. It wasn’t him. I couldn’t apologise enough, I was mortified, and then I had to wait while my sandwich was made!