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Archie Gordon

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Archie Gordon last won the day on January 29 2022

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  1. Credit to Craig Lingard. He's played the long game and Cas look very good. Catalan shocking.
  2. Blimey. It will be Saturday morning before he eventually gets this wrong.
  3. Should be some good junior RL on tomorrow at Hemel: https://www.rugby-league.com/article/62956/paladin-sports-uk-london-junior-league-finals-day-- Pop along!
  4. The solution is for the Broncos to scale up the business so that they are an attractive option for their best academy products. They need to match the ambition of these young players rather than moan that they are moving on.
  5. The SL season seems to be in a processional stage - play-offs all but decided and no interest at the bottom. I say this as someone without a club who just watches RL. I'm not seeing that games have much riding on them. I would love for there to be some other comp going on about now.
  6. I watched some of the 1990 SoO series yesterday and a penalty kick was taken from wide out but only 5m from the tryline to make the angle really acute. It seemed to be done so that the kicker could simultaneously attempt the goal but also effectively turn it ino a bomb if he missed which he did).
  7. I thought it would have been announced by now but Skolars are gone for the season. They'll take no further part in the 2024 SCL. At least 5 of last year's L1 squad are at Wests now which is obviously good for them - players and club - but others may have a view about what that means for both Skolars and the SCL as a comp. I'm attaching praise/blame to absolutely nobody here btw - just trying to describe how the cards have fallen. The Skolars story is a real shame.
  8. Yeah. My post didn't work out so well. I had just read a load of hyperbolic but essentially empty words from Radlinksi and Fitzpatrick and was just channeling them in a sarcastic way (though I do think Vegas is an OK development). Now I have 2 undeserved likes and I'm not sure what to do next. Do I resign from the forum?
  9. This is HUGE news! Perhaps the biggest SL story of the decade! It will open so many doors. Breathtaking!
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