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Everything posted by JohnM

  1. I expect you have the data to support that bizarre contention. Do share it.
  2. Rugby Union https://www.rugbyworld.com/news/england-squad-agree-equal-pay-for-six-nations-122129
  3. One source claims that at the Euros 2024: "It is understood that England players earn around £2,000 per game - but since 2007, they have been donating that money to the England Football Foundation, which then distributes it to charities, raising more than £5 million in the last 17 years. So, although players could earn up to £14,000 if they make it to the final of the Euros, they will not see any of it. As well as a standard match fee, England players are set to receive a bumper payday if they lift the trophy next month, with the Sun reporting that the squad are set to share a whopping £24m bonus if they are crowned champions. Remarkably, the publication reports that captain Harry Kane and Real Madrid star Jude Bellingham will share £9.6m of that amount between them, with Southgate in line for a £4m bonus. The remaining £14m will be shared among the other 24 players in the squad, with the total bonus amount eclipsing the £13m that was up for grabs for the Three Lions at the 2022 World Cup.
  4. It's not financially driven. In my view. It's rewarded, a token "thank you"
  5. Maybe this is a bit left field, but why don't the individual UK clubs try to attract Catalans and Toulouse fans to follow their teams here. Sure, a weekend in Cas might not sound attractive, but within say 25 miles radius there must be decent hotels, restaurants, tourist attractions. Ditto Wigan with it's proximity to Manchester. Put some packages together, get Visit Britain on board etc.
  6. We get a goal up and then.... ....we seem to lose our edge. Reaction times increase a little bit, we retreat just that little bit, we ease off just a little bit. All these little bits add up to allowing the opposition back into the game. is there room for Foden, Kane and Bellingham on the pitch at the same time?
  7. What game are we talking about here? Not seen anything about it.
  8. The lad should donate his brain to mediçal research. I'll supply the microscope.
  9. Professionally managed, run by volunteers, funded by the whole sport and beyond. Forget the word "museum" as it conjures up images of dark and dusty specimens and static displays.
  10. Museum? Heritage Centre? Why not the Rugby League Experience - covering the past, present and future of the sport worldwide? Features the Museum/Heritage aspects, the International dimension incl France, Super League, Championship and community game. Recruitment events to get youngsters on board. Funded by amongst others, Andy Burnham, RFL, SL clubs etc. sponsors, including Universities who could use their existing sponsorships as was of attracting students, various sports foundations etc. feature NRL as a way of telling the great British public that rugby league trumps union in Australia. Use it for season launches, International series launches, schools programmes, junior recruitment, etc. Location Media City, Etihad campus, Manchester city centre. Look to the future!
  11. Back to Catalans Dragons of old. Just not the same since Tomkins retired. Lacking on-field leadership. Leigh deservedly ahead.
  12. Agree entirely. He knew immediately what he'd done as he threw himself to the ground pretending he'd been injured himself. Disgraceful.
  13. It'll be interesting to see how to slot in the Catalans game and the Leeds game, too. Last night I watched Wigan on the laptop and Germany on the proper TV. My dual screen desktop PC is currently in self-storage as we've just moved house, otherwise my challenge would be to watch four concurrent games.
  14. Red card for you? Why? What have you done?
  15. Cas were fast, dogged in defence and aggressive in attack. Had they won, then they'd have deserved it. But Wigan have a "will to win" that hardly any other team displays.
  16. Don't know who the Sky pundit / second commentator is other than he's a Cas fan!
  17. I often think that is a sentiment felt across the whole game. Subconsciously, we don't want the game to spread, to be really successful for fear of losing control of OUR game.
  18. If that were remotely true, (that would make it even more appropriate, as it would create a great opportunity to proselytise. By the way, the RFL is based in Manchester, and Manchester was a prime mover in the schism. "On 27 August 1895, as a result of an emergency meeting in Manchester, prominent Lancashire clubs Broughton Rangers, Leigh, Oldham, Rochdale Hornets, St. Helens, Tyldesley, Warrington, Widnes and Wigan declared that they would support their Yorkshire colleagues in their proposal to form a Northern Union."
  19. Good point about major city centres. Having the museum in Oldham, Huddersfield etc would be cheaper as, unsullied by visitors, it would only need to be open once a week, whereas say in Manchester city centre, it would have to open every day.
  20. I have to admit, I was surprised to hear her as yes, she's a union fan But she did a goid job and didn't mention rugby union. For me, it was something good to hear rather than to moan about. She should be congratulated. You should be able to hear the piece on BBC Sounds, if you are interested. But that wasn't my point. I wondered about the process that led to getting the BBC to host a programme at the Halliwell Jones Stadium and thought it a good idea that others might follow.
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